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Hypnotherapy for losing weight


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All you need to do to lose weight is go to the gym & eat abit healthier. You can still have your portions of cake/sweats etc... but with losing weight, there's no easy option imho other than to do it the hard way. I've been going to the gym for 2/3 years and couldn't live without it now tbh & try and go at least 4 times a week.


Its up to you, but how people expect to lose weight by not exercising and eating healthier is beyond me!.

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As a hypnotherapist who treats clients for weight loss I would like to give you my side of the discussion...(sorry in advance if I go on a bit!)

Weight tends to be closely linked in with emotions. This is a pure guess but as a previously healthy person who got an injury I would guess you felt a bit sorry for yourself and restricted in what you could do. I'm also guessing that you got an endorphin rush when you exercised but with your injury you missed that also which could have made you feel down so you turned to food for comfort during those times.

Through hypnotherapy and NLP I help clients to identify the reasons they really overeat or eat the wrong food and I help them to be healthier by working with their body in as natural a way as possible. I don't advise clients to turn to medication (as nikkit285 recommended) and I don't advocate calorie counting, regular weigh ins or forbidden lists of food. I have found with several clients that a greater awareness of the real reasons they over eat combined with good sensible eating habits can have a huge impact.

Through hypnotherapy I also give suggestions for the client to find more satisfaction from eating 'real' food that they have freshly prepaired rather than microwave frozen meals for one.

In working with clients in this way I have helped people lose weight. I don't want to make out that getting hypnotherapy for weight loss makes the process effortless, because it isn't, you need to want to lose weight but if the motivation is there and you have an open mind about the potential effectiveness of hypnotherapy then you have a very good chance of it working for you.

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  • 4 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...
Hypnotherapy is questionable, a cheap nutritionist would be more benefical. I used one and ive lost 4 stone, i was 16 stone! i can give you the number if you want!


For the people out there who are interested in hypnotherapy this comment doen't really help anyone does it Ladyboutique? Hypnotherapy is questionable how? I have seen it have amazing, life changing effects on people. You can get the best, most expensive nutritionist in the world but knowing what you SHOULD eat is not the same as wanting to eat what you should eat. A nutritionist can explain all the science behind diet and with that improved understanding you might change your diet but with the help of a hypnotherapist you could stop eating the things that you know you shouldn't and it can be so easily done.

I had a client who ate cakes every single day. She wanted to stop but felt she couldn't. After 5 sessions she had got to the point where she had no desire to eat cakes or sweet food generally.

Surely its better to remove the desire for sweet foods (for example) rather than forcing yourself to avoid them for the rest of your life and feel like you are denying yourself and missing out.

It's great whenever anyone loses weight and becomes more healthy so hats off to you ladyboutique but maybe give tips for the things you have direct experience of.

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I have tried loads of ways of losing weight...including one that nearly cost me my life...and I have a hefty scar on my stomach to prove it.


I would give hypnotherapy a go.....but I can't afford it :)

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Has anybody had hypnotherapy for losing weight in Sheffield?

I never needed to diet before really as I was a keen runner and did boxing training etc.


Ey come on dude, you know how it works, I was getting a bit porky so I just said to myself, don't eat stuff that's bad for you.


And if I can do it anyone can, I've not had chocolate or crisps or any sugary drink for over a month.


I used to eat like 2 bars of chocolate a day, so seriously if I can do it then you can.


Just don't eat stuff thats bad for you, simple and easy to do.


I just eat my main meals pretty much as normal, maybe they are a bit healthier than before but not much, like for example, for dinner today I had a sandwhich, and for tea I had chips, chicken nuggets and peas, this is a pretty typical day for me and I've been losing 3 pound a week.


Obviously I've been going to the gym regularly, but you can lose weight without stopping eating the main meals you like, just don't go mad and keep it balanced. And stop eating chocolate, eating crisps, drinking sugar and alcohol.



Oh and if you start going to the gym, it's cool, because, you don't crave, well I don't anyway.


I go to the gym, burn 400-500 calories, then come back home, and if I see a chocolate bar and crisps in the kitchen, I think to myself "Well, the 2 minutes of eating these will ruin the hour I've just put in at the gym", and it just doesn't appeal to me at all.


Good tip, if your hungry, grab a boiled egg for a snack, keep you full for ages.

Edited by Forumosaurus
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Ey come on dude, you know how it works, I was getting a bit porky so I just said to myself, don't eat stuff that's bad for you.


And if I can do it anyone can, I've not had chocolate or crisps or any sugary drink for over a month.


I used to eat like 2 bars of chocolate a day, so seriously if I can do it then you can.


Just don't eat stuff thats bad for you, simple and easy to do.


I just eat my main meals pretty much as normal, maybe they are a bit healthier than before but not much, like for example, for dinner today I had a sandwhich, and for tea I had chips, chicken nuggets and peas, this is a pretty typical day for me and I've been losing 3 pound a week.


Obviously I've been going to the gym regularly, but you can lose weight without stopping eating the main meals you like, just don't go mad and keep it balanced. And stop eating chocolate, eating crisps, drinking sugar and alcohol.



Oh and if you start going to the gym, it's cool, because, you don't crave, well I don't anyway.


I go to the gym, burn 400-500 calories, then come back home, and if I see a chocolate bar and crisps in the kitchen, I think to myself "Well, the 2 minutes of eating these will ruin the hour I've just put in at the gym", and it just doesn't appeal to me at all.


Good tip, if your hungry, grab a boiled egg for a snack, keep you full for ages.


You mention a few good points there Richy...


It sounds really easy for you to have a word with yourself and not eat what you know is bad for you but not everyone is as lucky as you. Some people know what is bad for them but they feel driven, compelled or obligated to eat that unhealthy food. It is almost like they are battling with themselves and losing. You are very lucky that you seem to have that direct link between your thoughts and your actions. It may seem very straightforward and easy to you but LOTS of people are completely unable to do what you are talking about.

As far as going to the gym to burn off a couple of hundred calories well, that is not so good for lots of people. Exercise of any kind is great for your body but exercising to lose weight is a very hit and miss affair. Studies have shown that if you exercise to lose weight you have a high chance of failure. The reason for this is that your body becomes accustomed to using up a couple of hundred calories a couple of times a week so it demands more food is put into your body to fuel it. Unless you have a very tight control over the quantity and type of food you eat (as you obviously do) you have a high chance of gaining weight from going to the gym!

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easy easy easy way to lose weight is to eat less and more move.

i dance for half hour every morning before i eat, sometimes i pick up the weights to dance with.

find something you like to do and do it.



oh, eat when you are hungrey too and not when you think you should. i hated facing breakfast and it would screw up my day if i ate it so now i just drink water.


good luck x

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Has anybody had hypnotherapy for losing weight in Sheffield?

Does it work? How much did it cost?

I've got about 2 stone to lose and really struggling with my sweet tooth!!


I put the weight on when I had a serious injury to my leg and had to stop exercising. I never needed to diet before really as I was a keen runner and did boxing training etc. It's taken me a year to put on 2 stone and I really need to lose it by dieting but Ive been hopeless!!!


I think if I joined WW or Slimming World classes I would cheat!


I would really like to hear about hypnotherapy experiences for losing weight.



Try eating less. Worked for me when i put on half a stone over xmas.
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if you are looking to lose weight and don't want to join a gym try a method of training called Tabata. Its 4 min of high intensity training and your feet don't even move. so you don't have to buy a pair of trainers.


There are lots of variations but if you just do the bodyweight swats to start off with, you will be well on your way to losing weight.

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