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Hypnotherapy for losing weight


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It's strange that there are no pen portraits / qualifications listed on



I went for a couple of sessions with http://www.wellthought.co.uk/Meet-your-therapist.html - I knew who I was going to see, registration, experience etc. Sadly it didn't work for me but I think that is more about where I am mentally right now rather than to do with the Therapist and I only had two sessions. I think I wanted the instant impact that I had had before a few years ago when I saw someone in London

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I use trance. I'm out of practice, but I've used it extensively in the past. It works (for me) - because, I suspect, I believe it will work.


I've used self-induced hypnosis as a replacement for anaesthesia when having oral surgery and it worked well. No pain whatsoever (and there should have been plenty!)


I used to suffer from itchy rashes on my lower legs. Cortisone cream gave some relief, but I don't like using cortisones. I mentioned the rashes to a doctor (the GP with a qualification in dermatology - the one who had introduced me to hypnotherapy.) I asked him what they were.


He laughed, said 'You've come to the right guy!' opened a textbook and showed me a picture of the rashes. "They are an hereditary form of exczema and they are brought on by stress. Would you like to cure them?"


"Yes" I said (and we were about to do a trance session)


"How do you want to do it?" He asked.


"The first three fingers on each hand will be able to cure the rashes." I said.


We did the session and after it was over, I rubbed the first 3 fingers on each hand over each leg. The rashes started to fade within a few seconds.


Hocus-Pocus? - Indeed. Spectacular hocus-pocus. But it worked (and it still does. - I rarely get the rashes nowadays, but when I do, I simply wipe them away.)


After all, although there was an hereditary element, the problem was triggered by my mind - and the cure was in my mind, too.


Hypnotism isn't going to cure everything. but there can be little doubt that an individual's attitude to an illness or problem can (and often does) effect the outcome. I've met many people with serious illnesses who seem to manage quite well and others with comparatively minor problems who seem to suffer disproportionally. Hypnotism can help an individual to change their attitude towards a problem.


Hypnotism seems to work pretty well for me - because I believe it will work.


If you eat less and exercise more, you'll lose weight and get fitter. Hypnotism itself isn't going to make people lose weight - but it may well induce them to eat less and do more exercise. AFAIK; the 'gastric band' hypnotherapy induces people to respond as if they had a physical gastric band. If it works, it works.

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  • 1 month later...

Babala: Yes, it can actually work with some people. everyone is capable of going into a hypnotic trance. It is up to the hypnotherapist to find out the details about you that will help you go into the right kind of trance for you that is important. The same type of hypnotic induction will not work for everyone.

Hypnosis is not 100% guaranteed but it has been proven to be more than placebo for many issues and is a real phenomenon.

There is some debate about how or why some aspects of hypnosis work but the overall consensus is that it does work.

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il try anything once but im not trying it for that price!


The fact that you said "try" implies you won't or can't do something, so hypnotherapy won't work for you anyway. £60 to £70 isn't expensive considering what you would be getting.

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I want to try but Its the whole not knowing if it will work on me and not knowing what to expect. It's expensive but if you knew how many sessions you might need it would be better.

I'm not expecting a miracle just maybe a lil push that I can't seem to do alone. If that makes sense?

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£65 to £70 a session? :o:o


It should come with a guarantee at that price. Crikey, I almost spat my false teeth out.


Overall it can work out a hell of a lot less than a year's gym membership. A smoker could save that money in 6 weeks if they are on 20 a day and quit smoking through hypnotherapy. Someone who has a fear that prevents them from living their life and enjoying doing everyday things would see £70 a session as a very small price to pay.

It all depends of your motivations. If something is making you uncomfortable/unhappy/upset then many people can and do find the money. For those that aren't able I do discounted rates and have even done skills swaps for those unable to find any money.

There are very few guarantees in life. Surgery in hospital for certain conditions are not guaranteed to succeed despite costing thousands of pounds.

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