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Hypnotherapy for losing weight


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I want to try but Its the whole not knowing if it will work on me and not knowing what to expect. It's expensive but if you knew how many sessions you might need it would be better.

I'm not expecting a miracle just maybe a lil push that I can't seem to do alone. If that makes sense?


Everyone is capable of going into a trance. We all do it all the time, we just don't call it going into a hypnotic trance. We say we were off with the fairies, daydreaming, somewhere else or distracted. A good hypnotherapist will find examples of those times and utilize them to help you return to that feeling and that state of mind.

It feels very relaxing and very enjoyable for the vast vast majority of people. If you want to try out a hypnotic trance you can download a free 30 minute hypnotic relaxation session from my website or listen to it on Youtube here


You make perfect sense. Hypnosis could be that bit of back up and support you are looking for. If you have any questions I offer a free 20 minute chat so feel free to get in touch if you want to know more

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Will you guys turn me into a chicken and make me eat a onion? Thinking it's a apple? And make me play a fake piano?


lol it's not a do to process, it's a do with. You can't be made to do anything in hypnotherapy or hypnosis if it goes against your values. For example, I couldn't put you into trance and then make you rob a bank, if it's not in your values you won't do anything!


errrrr eat an onion, the thought of that :hihi:

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Will you guys turn me into a chicken and make me eat a onion? Thinking it's a apple? And make me play a fake piano?


You are talking about stage hypnosis which is very different to clinical hypnotherapists. A hypnotherapist will usually avoid stage hypnosis as many see it as devaluing their potential to help clients to make personal changes for the better.


You can't be made to do anything in hypnotherapy or hypnosis if it goes against your values. For example, I couldn't put you into trance and then make you rob a bank, if it's not in your values you won't do anything!

I used to tell clients this as it is the much touted 'defence' of hypnosis but I'm not so sure since Derren Brown hypnotised someone into shooting dead Steven Fry http://youtu.be/UFDZvwR54ec

I think it is possible that someone can be hypnotised into doing something that does not fit into their moral framework and then be made to forget about the process and their actions after the fact.

If I am right in this belief then it is even more important to see a reputable and experienced hypnotherapist!

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Will you guys turn me into a chicken and make me eat a onion? Thinking it's a apple? And make me play a fake piano?


You are talking about stage hypnosis which is very different to clinical hypnotherapists. A hypnotherapist will usually avoid stage hypnosis as many see it as devaluing their potential to help clients to make personal changes for the better.


You can't be made to do anything in hypnotherapy or hypnosis if it goes against your values. For example, I couldn't put you into trance and then make you rob a bank, if it's not in your values you won't do anything!

I used to tell clients this as it is the much touted 'defence' of hypnosis but I'm not so sure since Derren Brown hypnotised someone into shooting dead Steven Fry

I think it is possible that someone can be hypnotised into doing something that does not fit into their moral framework and then be made to forget about the process and their actions after the fact.

If I am right in this belief then it is even more important to see a reputable and experienced hypnotherapist!

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Hypnotherapy doesn't work for everyone but it worked and continues to work for me--5stones and counting!

I saw that programme with Derren Brown focusedhypno, bit scary that someone could have so much power over someone isn't it? Would there have been other skills used as well as hypnotherapy? Not sure what though!

Agree about seeing qualified,reputable and experienced hypnotherapist.

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Brilliant stuff Lucy! Getting rid of 5 stones is a life changing amount! Well done. The Derren Brown Assassination show was scary but rather than sticking to the party line of "hypnosis can't make you do things you don't want to do" I thought I would reassess my acquired beliefs. As a direct result of that show I am pretty sure that he only used hypnosis but as with all Derren Brown stuff you can never be 100% sure what he is doing. Sometimes he says he is hypnotising people and he is using NLP, sometimes it looks like he is psychic and he is cold reading.

I am pretty sure that he just used hypnosis in that show though and had amazing results! the implications are worrying though.

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So, my take;


The only long term evidence about weight loss success is the levels of physical activity you do (which of course creates a greater energy deficit). (see report from the Chief Medical Officer for references if you wish, well over 300 peer-reviewed journals to chose from).


More exercise (or physical activity such as walking) = more weight loss. Everyone else is wrong!


As far as I am aware evidence for NLP and Hypnosis is mixed, but generally not supported. However, that being said, however you create your energy deficit is the important thing, if hypnosis allows you to do this then that is okay in my book.


However, I would hope any hypnotherapists “builds in suggestions” for exercise as importantly as they tell you things like “stop eating standing up”

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So, my take;


The only long term evidence about weight loss success is the levels of physical activity you do (which of course creates a greater energy deficit). (see report from the Chief Medical Officer for references if you wish, well over 300 peer-reviewed journals to chose from).


More exercise (or physical activity such as walking) = more weight loss. Everyone else is wrong!


As far as I am aware evidence for NLP and Hypnosis is mixed, but generally not supported. However, that being said, however you create your energy deficit is the important thing, if hypnosis allows you to do this then that is okay in my book.


However, I would hope any hypnotherapists “builds in suggestions” for exercise as importantly as they tell you things like “stop eating standing up”


yes that's right NLP & Hypnotherapy will assist in someone losing weight. You still need to actually do the exercise. NLP and hypnotherapy - i think it depends on what you mean by support. I use NLP and Hypnotherapy together if it's required. It just depends on the person and their individual outcome. They are both psychotherapies. I've integrated them to get the best results... but it's all hypnosis really.

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You are talking about stage hypnosis which is very different to clinical hypnotherapists. A hypnotherapist will usually avoid stage hypnosis as many see it as devaluing their potential to help clients to make personal changes for the better.



I used to tell clients this as it is the much touted 'defence' of hypnosis but I'm not so sure since Derren Brown hypnotised someone into shooting dead Steven Fry

I think it is possible that someone can be hypnotised into doing something that does not fit into their moral framework and then be made to forget about the process and their actions after the fact.

If I am right in this belief then it is even more important to see a reputable and experienced hypnotherapist!


Did Steven Fry actually die when he got shot? Because the person who did this would have known unconsciously not to do this if he really thought he was going to kill Steven Fry... unless of course it's in his believe system, which as you say rather worrying :o

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