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What do you miss most?


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I lived at Swallownest, but worked in Sheffield 1958 to 1967. Liked to drive across to Bassets Factory Shop and buy miss shapes of Jelly Babies and any type of liquorice items. Some time even going to Rowntrees Factory Shop in York for miss shapes. I have lived in Malaysia since 2006, and here we can get almost all the UK foods etc we are used to - we have Carrefour, Tesco, Giant, Cold Store, Marks and Spencer etc - but, but, but - we cannot buy any "good liquorice" - it all comes from Australia and does not "taste right" - but neither does the Australian Cheese anyway.

Best Wishes to Sheffield - Grey Eminence - Subang Jaya - Kuala Lumpur - Malaysia

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just reading with joy through this thread.so a few from me. Meeting outside studio 7 in wicker sunday morning cycle club from school and of into derbyshire all day come back staving.meeting mates on midland station to watch trains. going in cafe mug of tea and a bun.getting name stamped on a piece of metal in machine on platform think it could have been I. D.bracelet for an old penny.The wash and brush up areas in the toilets pond street town hall and think the one near red gates.little man there cleaning up all the time or having a fag. ha . strange the things you remember.:help:

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Oh the Club trip it was fab,we thought we had so much in that little envelope,and when you was old enough to go on the coach without your mum and dad.Simple pleasures,going out all day on backedge with jam sarnies and a bottle of water,the tree swings and sliding down on pieces of cardboard happy days

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I miss going into works canteens to get big dinners served by smashing lasses who used to shout how many yorkshires love as you came up to the till.

When you could find a seat to eat your dinner you was surrounded by hundreds of mucky manual workers who still had black hands and faces from the mornings hard graft.

The banter was unbelievable,Wednesdayites,Unitedites,Millers, all shouting across the canteen at each other no malace involved.

If the office lasses walked through the comments were hilarious but they just laughed along with you none of this politically correctness had reared its ugly head then.

The funny thing is that when you got home at 5 or 6 pm you had another big dinner waiting for you and you ate that as well without putting on loads of weight this due to the physical hard work that you were putting in day after day.

So i suppose i miss mucky , noisy, smokey.rough, hardworking Sheffield. for all its faults it was a magical place.

without being snobbish i'm glad l have learned to give that a miss in the true sense of the word Arfer Mo
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You're quite right, there were two, but I don't remember them both being on the perch outside at the same time, though I can't remember clearly. I don't think they got on very well together; they were both a bit feisty. Charlie was my favourite and he never bit me, but this might have been because of the monkey nuts I gave him..:)


There was also a mynah bird inside that used to repeat almost everything you said to it, and it could swear too. Used to go on Sunday's with my dad then down to Endcliffe Park. If it was a Bank Holiday Sunday we would often go to Pond Street and get a coach to Belle Vue Zoo in Manchester, I loved that place.


Does anyone remember the sleigh ride to see Santa at Castle House? I used to take my two little ones there every year it was magical.


And Rich, there is a Hamleys in Meadowhall now.

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You're quite right, there were two, but I don't remember them both being on the perch outside at the same time, though I can't remember clearly. I don't think they got on very well together; they were both a bit feisty. Charlie was my favourite and he never bit me, but this might have been because of the monkey nuts I gave him..:)


There was also a mynah bird inside that used to repeat almost everything you said to it, and it could swear too. Used to go on Sunday's with my dad then down to Endcliffe Park. If it was a Bank Holiday Sunday we would often go to Pond Street and get a coach to Belle Vue Zoo in Manchester, I loved that place.


Does anyone remember the sleigh ride to see Santa at Castle House? I used to take my two little ones there every year it was magical.


And Rich, there is a Hamleys in Meadowhall now.




Ha Ha Ha that must be the mynah bird effect ....

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