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11/9/2001 - Where were you?


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I was sat at work listening to BBC Radio 5 whilst searching jobs websites (we'd just been made redundant) when the report came on about the first plane hitting the World Trade Centre. That in itself was stunning news although most people in the office didn't really care. Then I heard over the radio that a second plane had hit and I just remember thinking “Bloody hell!" as I realised it was an attack not an accident.


I wasn’t able to watch the event on TV so I spent the rest of that day glued to the radio listening in horror whilst having conversations over email with friends about what was going on and discussing all the confused ‘news’ about various other attacks that were supposedly taking place which turned out to not be true in the end. I remember having to hunt down more obscure news media websites because all of the main ones were being overloaded by the sheer number of people trying to view them.


I had to travel back to Sheffield by train after work. I joined a crowd of about 30 other commuters lined up in the local newsagents to buy a newspaper with articles/photos about the attack and once on the train I saw that absolutely everyone was reading the same newspaper and listening to portable radios. It was the quietest packed train journey I’ve ever been on.

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I've got a photo of myself and brother in the observation deck that was taken that summer. Little did I know that less than 4 months later over 100 people would die in that same spot after being trapped for over an hour... Sends shudders down the spine even now!

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I've got a photo of myself and brother in the observation deck that was taken that summer. Little did I know that less than 4 months later over 100 people would die in that same spot after being trapped for over an hour... Sends shudders down the spine even now!



Crikey, i wouldn't mind seeing that picture!

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i was sat in a dentists chair,the television was on but no sound,he asked if it was a film ,then the tickertape at the bottom of the screen kicked in and we were both shocked to see the plane hit the tower and people running ,it really did look like a disaster movie

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Was on a training course in London banking district. First I knew was my sister phoing me up saying get home.

Next people on course recieved phone calls from colleagues saying they were being evacuated from Canary Wharf as plane may be heading for them.

Within 5 minutes of this the training providers decided to evacuate the building due to us being a high building in central london and the course was cancelled.

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i was in tokyo and had just come back to the hostel after dinner when i found out...the lobby was full of residents watching the tv and i genuinely thought it was a film. i remeber thinking "wow, those special effects must have cost a fortune!" and then the truth dawned.


the atmosphere was very peculiar, as people came through the doors they suddenly fell silent and started to watch as well.


my flight back home was 4 days later and there were hundreds of stranded americans due the cancelling of flights to the US and because narita airport had been shut due to typhoons days before i got to tokyo. needless to say security was extremely tight and the delays were massive.


i remember lying in bed that night crying and just thinking hwo could anybody do something like that....and im getting a tear in my eye even as i type this. :(



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