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11/9/2001 - Where were you?


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I was talking to two colleagues when a third colleague came out of the office to tell us that she'd seen the report on the BBC website. At first we thought she'd got hold of the wrong of the stick. We were soon glued to our computer screens and work was unofficially suspended for the rest of the day.

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It could have been alot worse had it not been for those brave people on flight 93 that over came the terrorists and crashed into a field saving possibly thousands of lives. People forget those that died in the pentagon and just seem to remember those who died in the twin towers due to security of the pentagon...


I hope they all RIP it wont be a day i'll foget and its thanks to them security has got tighter...

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I was at work when the caretaker said that America was under attack. I rushed home in time to see the whole thing develop. We went to the pub that night and the atmosphere was eerie. It was the only subject of discussion and most peoples' emotions were a mixture of disbelief and awe. I don't we'd considered the human cost at the time, nor what it would mean for the future.

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Was in on my wway to pick up the kids from school and called in the post office on Derbyshire Lane on my way and said to the lady behind the counter "wht do you think of that then what a terrible accident " and she said "its not an accident love there's been another one" had to go and collect my daughter and try to explain what had happend without frightening her . We had to wait a while for my son who was on a field trip to get back and i will never forget the kids faces as they got off the coach because they had been listening to the radio on the way back . I called my OH at work and he said they were having terrible problems at work because the inter.net had slowed right down with the amount of traffic .I remember we all just sat in shock watching the Tv just couldnt take it in.

I also remember going to a gathering in the Peace Gardens later that weekin remembrence of al those poor people. A woman said to me "can I stand with you love ? because I feel a right chuff on my own , but I just had to come"

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