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11/9/2001 - Where were you?


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i was working in the millennium galleries manning the till, when one of my co-workers said that her boyfriend had text her to tell the news. we had no telly or radio in the staff room, so had to ask visitors what was going on.

it was mine and the ex's 2nd anniversary that day too, but we obv didnt feel like going out

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I was at home, not sure why, i think i may have had annual leave. I was flicking through the sky channels as i was bored and came across one of the american news channels and just watched in horror as the second plane came in.......all very scary....not sure i left the tv for many hours after as it was all just too surreal

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i was out for a day trip with my son at sundowns adventure place and had just nipped into a cafe for a cup of tea and it was on the tv and all the staff were glued to it, i wondererd what the hell was happening and after watching for a few mins and after realizing what had happened i went and got my son and we went home. i spent the rest of the day with the news on and when i saw the people jumping out the windows i cried.

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At work. The story began to filter through from friends by text.


We only had one computer connected to the internet over a dial up telephone line. I spent most of that morning getting updates off the bbc website and printing them out. I remember it was the one day apart from over Xmas where everyone went home as early as their flexi allowed.

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Saw it on the TV in the staffroom of the supermarket where I worked at the time.


I remember when news started to filter through, my manager being in a state of panic because her brother was flying to the USA that day (his flight was turned back).


When it first happened, the TV was just playing away in the background, with the sound off. Nobody really took any notice of what was happening at first.


I also remember that day, a customer getting very worked up because someone gave him £9 of change in £1 coins because they didn't have any £5 notes in the till. I don't know why that has stuck in my mind.

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I was at work when my future mother-in-law rang my mobile and told me a plane had smashed into one of the towers.


To be honest, I didn't know what the hell the Twin Towers were at that time so wasn't really that bothered until I saw it all on the TV..


I'd still like to know why the 3rd tower (Tower 7) had hardly any news coverage after it collapsed.. Still.. What a terrible day it was! I just hope the conspiracy mongers are all wrong about it all being an inside job! They have a good argument in some ways..

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