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Recent visit to Sheffield by an ex pat

soft ayperth

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I agree Pattricia. There used to be some wonderful old buildings in Sheffield that have gone the way of the wrecker's ball. The old Corn Exchange stands out as one. If my memory serves me correctly, much of this happened during the 60s before I left for Canada then continued on into the 70s. I hope the City Council has learned its lesson. I was on a bus during my visit passing the Castle Market when I looked over to the opposite side of the road and noticed what looked like a very majestic building that had seen better days. "What's that building?" I asked someone. "Oh, it's the old court house." Well, of course I remember it in its glory days. But it looks like it's not been well cared for for some time, so I didn't recognize it at first. Any steps being taken to preserve some of the old historic architecture such as this?

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Spot on there texas01. I remember getting on a bus in town to go to the Botanical Gardens. A couple of guys hear me ask the driver to let me know when we arrive at the right bus stop. I sit on the opposite side of the aisle from them.


"Ar tha not from eer then?" asks one


I explain I used to live here but been away for a long time.


"Way tha'll like it in Botanical Gardens. Nice flowers. Theez a bear pit in theer tha knows."


Conversation went on like this for a long while. We talked about baiting bears, circuses and fairgrounds, coconut stands and women with beards, what it's like in Canada, of course the weather. The whole bus listening in. After they get off the woman next to me says "Them men talked a lot dint they?"


"Yes," I chuckle. "They were just great."



There is something relaxing about the accent ... then it takes about a day for my slighty mixed up accent (mainly using American words for stuff - Trunk instead of boot etc) to settle down and my accent is as thick as ever ...

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There is something relaxing about the accent ... then it takes about a day for my slighty mixed up accent (mainly using American words for stuff - Trunk instead of boot etc) to settle down and my accent is as thick as ever ...


I too love the Sheffield accent, St John. Many years ago, when I lived in Sheffield, I was able to tell a Sheffield accent from a Barnsley one, a Yorkshire accent from a Lancashire one. Lost that ability, I'm afraid. My accent is mid Atlantic, with a Sheffield edge to it. When I'm over in UK, I do make an effort to adjust my vocabulary. Petrol instead of gas. Trousers not pants. Pavement instead of sidewalk, etc. The last one is a must, because as you know, in North America, the word "pavement" means something quite different. Walking on the pavement here could mean you're walking down the middle of the road.

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I too love the Sheffield accent, St John. Many years ago, when I lived in Sheffield, I was able to tell a Sheffield accent from a Barnsley one, a Yorkshire accent from a Lancashire one. Lost that ability, I'm afraid. My accent is mid Atlantic, with a Sheffield edge to it. When I'm over in UK, I do make an effort to adjust my vocabulary. Petrol instead of gas. Trousers not pants. Pavement instead of sidewalk, etc. The last one is a must, because as you know, in North America, the word "pavement" means something quite different. Walking on the pavement here could mean you're walking down the middle of the road.


The funny thing is now I can tell the difference between an American and Canadian accent, but I will still ask an Canadian if he's American just to annoy him!

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wouldn't the canadian tell tou to get oot?


Mmm. That sounds more Scottish to me, scallyboy. A common Canadian expression is: "git arta here," which can me literally "Leave," or "You don't say."


All very interesting but a little off topic. What are peoples' impressions of Sheffield, especially folk who've lived elsewhere for some time? To try and get things back on track, I'll respond to a comment made by Texas01. I didn't go to Abbeydale Rd, Texas, but did go along Ecclesall Rd quite a bit. A lot of cafes, charity shops, gift stores. I thought it had turned into quite a pleasant street, though to be truthful I can't remember what it used to offer way back.

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I usually get back about once every 18 months but this time I must admit It was cheaper to take my family for a hoilday in the Caribbean than it was to go to Sheffield and stay at my mums. And the next time too, a warm summer holiday will probably win out again.

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What an intresting post, i left Sheffield about 45 years and never really had a strong enough urge to return but i must admit when i do hear the Sheffield accent it does bring back a lot of memories and i think to myself maybe i should return for a visit and see the old stomping grounds and based on what i've been reading i think i will, it should be intresting. At the moment i'm visiting my son in Dee Why NSW but on my return Sheffield it is!

I wonder, does Leopold St still exist?

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