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Recent visit to Sheffield by an ex pat

soft ayperth

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Leopold Street does still exist but, not as you knew it! Even Sheffielders still living in the city notice the changes which, in my opinion are not always for the better but, I suppose everyone thinks that of their own stomping ground.


We often forget the things from our past which have changed for the better, heavy smogs for example, outside toilets, cold houses with frost on the insides of windows, I could go on.

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Asti, I found Leopold St to be a lot busier than it used to be, although it has always been a main traffic thoroughfare. Alas, no Grand Hotel. I forget what is now in place of it. Something pretty nondescript. No Wilson Peck's of course. There's an entrance from Leopold St that leads into a shopping centre - Orchard Square, which also can be accessed from Fargate.


To react to Duffems comment, I rode on the bus through several corporation estates and noted some changes for the better. For example, playing fields on the Manor Estate (or maybe it was on the fringes of the Manor Park Est), bordered by poppies and other wild flowers that had obviously been planted. On the Woodthorpe Estate, the relaxation area known as the Fish Ponds is still there and except for some garbage strewn within it, looks much the same as when I was a kid. And the fish and chips shop nearby on Richmond Rd is still there after all these years. How many, I won't say. On a less positive note, I noticed that many of the houses on these estates sported security alarm systems, a sign of the times I suppose.

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Mmm. That sounds more Scottish to me, scallyboy. A common Canadian expression is: "git arta here," which can me literally "Leave," or "You don't say."


All very interesting but a little off topic. What are peoples' impressions of Sheffield, especially folk who've lived elsewhere for some time? To try and get things back on track, I'll respond to a comment made by Texas01. I didn't go to Abbeydale Rd, Texas, but did go along Ecclesall Rd quite a bit. A lot of cafes, charity shops, gift stores. I thought it had turned into quite a pleasant street, though to be truthful I can't remember what it used to offer way back.


A scot would surely tell you to "Ach, get tae efffffff", wouldn't he, if he wanted to say get out of here/ get lost, or get "effed" ?

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I recall the buildings in Sheffield to be most impressive,Town hall, City Hall seem to stick in my mind, i wonder, is it still possible to walk from the Midland railway station, up Howard St to the Town Hall area.

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It's not called the Midland Station anymore, asti, just Sheffield Station. My recollection of my visit is that yes, the walk you mention is not only possible but quite pleasant. Howard St takes you through the Hallam University campus and has a lot of flower beds in it. Cafes, of course. And students walking to and fro, giving the street a sense of positive energy.


You mention the City Hall. That brings to mind one building not far from there, where the old Gaumont cinema used to be. It has ugly red framework sticking out of it. They look a lot like construction girders but are in fact the finished product. An example of a building deesigned by someone whose imagination was allowed to run amok. Not many folk I spoke to like it, which leaves me wondering why it was allowed to be built in the first place.

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I agree with asti about the accents- left 34 years ago and last visit was in 1987. There is something relaxing about the strong Sheffield accent and it always brings a smile to my face. Its very interesting to see the city and streets by using street view on the internet - walked up Broadfield Road and along Abbeydale Road to Millhouses Park - what memories! Check the Sheffield Telegraph online - keeps you up to date with the good and bad.

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It haunts me to Google my childhood area on the Manor Estate and see that it no longer exists, in the 40s and 50s it was a pleasant and vibrant estate, a great place to spend your childhood. Makes me feel sad.


Manor Estate doesn't exist chris? What's the estate between Price of Wales Rd and the Manor Park estate called then - the area where I saw the playing fields bordered by flowers?

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Manor Estate doesn't exist chris? What's the estate between Price of Wales Rd and the Manor Park estate called then - the area where I saw the playing fields bordered by flowers?


Yes it's still there in a new form just feel sad it didn't evolve but was demolished, . When I paid a visit around there a couple of years ago it just felt weird especially driving towards Manor Park which looked the same and looking in the rear view mirror and seeing an empty space. Must admit I haven't been there since, perhaps it would exorcise my ghosts!

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Hi RoG, Sheffield is always a bittersweet experience for me. The changes around town are startling if you haven't been back for a while. Then my old friends want to take me down Sheffield to the the Flashy bars and give me weird looks when I say I would prefer just go hang out at old local pub. The last few times I went back I actually avoided going down Sheffield instead I was happiest going see a family members in Chapeltown, Oughtibridge, an old mate in Gleadless, Sunday afternoon in Derbyshire - Go for a walk around and pop in the pub..... priceless


Im Oughtibridge born and bred and lived there for 30 years ,until i moved to High Green 8 years ago ,so i dare say i know your family from Oughtibridge

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