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School Uniform - Are you for or against?

Should there be a school uniform  

85 members have voted

  1. 1. Should there be a school uniform

    • All school children should wear uniforms
    • All high school children should wear uniform
    • Only private school children should wear a uniform
    • School uniform should be optional but not compulsory
    • There should not be school uniform for any children
    • Other (because there's always an "other") :)

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No it's not. King Edward's has this policy, yet no one who attends looks like a clone/drone. Their individuality/freedom of expression is not impeaded.


BTW. KT's has is one of the best schools in Sheffield.


So if the “code” says no jeans doesn’t that mean no jeans then, a “code” may give more scope for interpretation of the rules but it still as to have rules or what’s the purpose of it.

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At the risk of being shot down in flames....we are talking here about children going to their place of education and the first step of the learning curve should be discipline.

This is not a fashion parade...this is a school.....And for the knockers...would a Nurse be allowed on the wards without a uniform...a fireman, a policeman, a traffic warden, a bus driver...... even Eddie Stobbart drivers wear a uniform.

When your child turns up for school in uniform they first and foremost look very smart....neither can you tell which parents earn £25000 a year or £125000 a year .... and that is how it should be. Classless..if you will excuse the pun.

As I said ...discipline at its very roots ..... anybody got a issue with this....apart from the ones on here who dont like the idea of "discipline" in any form.

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How many nurses get sent home if the uniform has the wrong pockets or has matrons walking the wards in jeans ? I dont think youll find many parents not wanting disciplin instilled in there children but its done by aparent disciplinless teachers who wear what they want and the only Idea of disciplin is telling a child that the trousers are wrong while being less than pro active when it comes to bullying ect. and if it comes down to a child being sent home alone as a way of instilling that disciplin then I bet not a lot of parents would like it if it was their child. Parents are the ones that are responcible for their children so teachers should take the issue up with them and not send kids home and denying them of an education as a way to instill discipln, that only confirms that teachers are a spineless bunch at the moment and its the education dept that needs start the disciplin at the top and then work its way down to the kids.

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I am sorry but who lays down the style of the uniform...surely the school does....right so do the school tell the parents by letter where to go an buy the correct uniform for that particular school ...In my day they did just that. The outfitter knew exactly what was need and he had the stock.

Please do not talk to me about how schoolteachers of today ...in the main.... dress...the majority of them look as they got dressed in the dark or at best dont possess a full length mirror....

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As I said ...discipline at its very roots ..... anybody got a issue with this....apart from the ones on here who dont like the idea of "discipline" in any form.




I think you'll find we all need a bit of discipline occasionally. It's best if it comes from yourself though.


Personally, I don't see what the big deal is with uniform. Perhaps if one of the benefits is perceived classlessness, that might suggest more about a system that perpetuates the notion of class based on what you wear. A lot of the over priced clothing worn by children and teens today has been made through sweatshop labour at a cost of about $1 per garment anyway.


If products were sold based on the practical function they serve, rather than attaching meaningless logos and subliminally uplifting tag lines to them, children perhaps wouldn't have to worry about whether they're still wearing "last season's" Dambagyati hoody.

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At the risk of being shot down in flames....we are talking here about children going to their place of education and the first step of the learning curve should be discipline.

I don't disagree with children learning discipline. I just don't see the co-relation between dressing identically and learning discipline. Perhaps to put another way, for the first five(?) years of their lives, children don't (I assume generally) wear a uniform, but they do (hopefully) learn discipline. I admit, I am of the opinion that if they have not learned any discipline by the age of five, it is probably too late, uniform or not.


This is not a fashion parade...this is a school.....And for the knockers...would a Nurse be allowed on the wards without a uniform...a fireman, a policeman, a traffic warden, a bus driver...... even Eddie Stobbart drivers wear a uniform.

That's true. However, they are wearing a uniform to identify them as members of staff and make it easy for members of the public to identify them. Within a school, you don't generally get members of the public wandering around who will need to tell the difference between staff/pupils etc. And, quite honestly, even at high school, surely even without uniforms the teachers would not be mistaking the pupils as their co-workers? Particularly not in primary/junior/infants.


When your child turns up for school in uniform they first and foremost look very smart....neither can you tell which parents earn £25000 a year or £125000 a year .... and that is how it should be. Classless..if you will excuse the pun.

However, children will know which pupils are poor and which are not, regardles of uniforms. I think the fact that this is considered an issue which needs "hiding" behind identical clothing should be addressed rather than covered up.

As I said ...discipline at its very roots ..... anybody got a issue with this....apart from the ones on here who dont like the idea of "discipline" in any form.

I don't have issue with discipline, I just have not so far seen or heard an argument for uniforms that convinces me they assist with instilling it in children.

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I think a lot of the problems with children come from how they perceve the world in the first 3 years of growing up. If you have a child that is isolated and not given much input in tho's years they end up socialy challenged and have ground to make up when they start nursery and school. I think disciplin and social awareness come hand in hand and having identikit children in a school will not take away ones persona, If anything I think taking ones freedom to be individual probably has more damage on a young mind and in turn effects education.

Like I said Im not against uniform (I have to put that or what I say gets taken out of context) but I think there is scope for personalition while still having a collective appearance and belonging.

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I think a lot of the problems with children come from how they perceve the world in the first 3 years of growing up. If you have a child that is isolated and not given much input in tho's years they end up socialy challenged and have ground to make up when they start nursery and school. I think disciplin and social awareness come hand in hand and having identikit children in a school will not take away ones persona, If anything I think taking ones freedom to be individual probably has more damage on a young mind and in turn effects education.

Like I said Im not against uniform (I have to put that or what I say gets taken out of context) but I think there is scope for personalition while still having a collective appearance and belonging.


Talk about over-intelectualising a very simple question about weather school uniforms are a bad idea or not :rolleyes:

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I know but I cant help how my brain works. I have always talked to the bump and learned the babies/kids basic sign language for things like thirst, hunger, nappy change, not understanding, ect.

It works too honnest, babies understand before they develope verbal language and can easily communicate with hand gestures if you can be bothered to learn them and recognise the gestures.

As a resuilt so far my children seem way in advanced socialy than a lot of their class mates and seem to have developed things like compassion ect a lot earlier than I remember doing.

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