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Early Morning Jogging - opinions wanted

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Does anyone here going jogging in the morning before work? I have read a couple of articles in fitness magazines that say you should leave at least an hour before waking up and hitting the road, as otherwise it can be bad for you?


What are peoples opinions on this, as I am looking to go jogging a couple of mornings a week to supplement my evening routine.


Does early morning jogging make you feel awake all day or absolutely shattered?

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I've just recently started doing this 3 mornings a week - in Millhouses park about 1/2 an hour after waking up.


Can't say I've noticed it being bad for me (apart from the excruciatingness of the exercise itself!) and I definitely feel livelier for the rest of the day.

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It's a great time to go. Firstly, your body weight is at its lightest after a night's sleep.


Secondly, it puts you in a good frame of mind for the day ahead. Your body is also 'working out' for the rest of the morning and so you'll still be burning calories whilst you're sat at your desk. Mentally you'll be much sharper.


Thirdly, it gets your run out of the way, so to speak, leaving the rest of your free time vacant.


The only time NOT to go first thing is after a heavy night!


Otherwise, get yourself up and out. It's usually quiet and the day has that morning freshness about it!


NB - My advice comes via Runner's World magazine and website.

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I'm considering popping to the gym first thing in the mornings, but someone told me it can be bad for the joints. Something about the cartiledge (or however you spell it...) being a bit softer when you first wake up, and can take an hour to get back to normal. Vigorous excerise can be damaging when it's in this softer state.


I'd appreciate it if someone can clarify this. Is there any truth in this, or is it an old wives' tale?

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Originally posted by BorisMarakas

:clap: If you are going to go jogging make sure you have a bit to munch before you start or you'llbe knackered for the rest of the day. Now that would'nt please the gaffer, and we wouild'nt want that:clap:


Shouldn't you be doing something more constructive, Boris?


Or are you trying to set a record for most pointless remarks on the forum?


Perhaps leave the running advice to the runners?

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I am a regular jogger/runner but I will only do about 20 mins at easy pace first thing in the morning before eating and I will always drink water first.


Don't fully understand it but I think the problem is something to do with you only having a low amount of carbs to burn first thing and the body finds it harder to use fat as a fuel.


If I go for up to an hour I will usualy eat something first and take some water with me.


For longer than an hour I take food with me to a banana and/or sweets.


But I only do longer runs in the morning when not working as it takes to much out of me and I need to rest afterwards.


But I think a short 20 min run gives me more energy and I eat something afterwards even if its a quick piece of fruit.

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