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How long was it before you met partner's family?

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I do have lots of positives about him, but i was really on a downer when i wrote this,

i bet your all laughing at me.

i dont live with this guy, he still lives with his parents, thats why i think he gets on with them as why would you stay with them if you didnt.


Sorry hun but I really don't think he lives with his parents - more like his wife & kids.


Sorry to be so blunt but you really need to wake up and smell the manure because he seems to talk much of it to you.


Get shut and find someone who will love you and will commit to you as you want and deserve.


And for the record, no-one's laughing at you :) x

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No-one's laughing at you horsemad. If you re-read some of the posts, they are all sympathising with your situation.


Please though, for your own sake, get out of this relationship as soon as you possibly can. After all this time, he's shown that he'll never change. It's difficult, sure, and I'm sure he's obviously chipped away at your self-esteem these last 7/8 years, which is why you're still in the same situation.


I say, get rid, have some time on your own, go out with friends, have them over, talk things through, get out enjoying YOURSELF, not waiting in for someone to come around and spend 13 hours per week with you - you're worth more than that.


Good luck, and let's see an update soon with a more positive slant on it, I sincerely hope.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I don't think you need a private investigator. I think you need an ultimatum and the strength to follow it through- it's cheaper and you'll get to see his reaction with your own eyes.


Words to the effect of 'I'd like you to tell me why I can't meet any of your family please' followed by silence and careful observation should start off the process quite nicely. Just don't allow him to wander off with excuses or being 'too busy' to answer. The outcome of this should be either getting to meet his family or getting a believable answer why you can't.


By the time you make the sort of decision that you need a private investigator to follow him then I think that you've already lost trust in him and the relationship, and I think that no matter what you find out as a result it's likely that calling in an investigator will put the final nail in your relationship's coffin so consider it very carefully before you do take that step.


Statistically if someone hasn't taken the step to commit to a partner in 5 years, then it's very unlikely that they will do this anyway, so if you combine this with the lack of trust already in existence I think that the money you could spend on an investigator would be much better spent on a new hair do, some new clothes and a little break to cheer you up after admitting to yourself that if you mistrust your partner enough to have them followed then that in itself is an answer to whether you are meant to be together.

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I have been with my husband for 11 yr,married for 3 almost.:love:


I met my mother in law ,after I moved in with my partner lol.:D

I had only been with him for a mnth when I moved in with him. Me and my mum never had a great relationship and she threw me out so my partner let me stay at his ,ended up living there.


I came downstairs after only living there for 2 days with a towel wrapped round me just got out shower. And there was my husbands mum and dad, they had come to pick my step son up lol.:o:help:

I felt so embaressed ,we get on ok I suppose and I don't regrette moving in with my husband or meeting him.I just regrette the fact he never forwarned me his parent where downstairs.:blush:

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If you are considering a private investigator to look in to the life of a BOYFRIEND, there are SERIOUS issues!!!!!!!!! I can not imagine how this relationship is continuing. Actually, I don't think it is anywhere but in your head. He is certainly not part of the relationship YOU have in YOUR mind. Just ask him. If he can not answer, then THERE is your answer. Don't look for other explanations. There aren't any. Face the facts, and get on with YOUR life. Don't waste time with someone who can't even be honest with you. Most people don't change. Don't look at people for what you want them to be. People are what they are, and if you can not accept them for EVERYTHING that they are, then they are not the person for you. Don't look at them for what you think you can make them become. It just won't work. Walk away with some dignity, and not the disappointment and heartbreak that a private investigator may reveal to you. It does not sound as though he loves you....and you can't make someone love you if they don't (as per the words of Bonnie Raitt).

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thank you to all of you. Alot of my friends say he could be married- have children, i want a private ivestigator does anyone know of any.

my dad was a private investigator it will b very expensive for you to find out what ur already thinking. i was in this kind of relationship luckly not for very long because it turned out the reason i couldnt ever go bk 2 his house was his missis n 2 kids get rid of him n move on itl do ur confidence wonders that u got rid not the other way

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