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1 million obese children in the uk

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Originally posted by Abdul

Well where are they all?


I haven't seen that many. In fact, as another thread mentions, I see far more skinny, scantily clad children.


They aren't outside enjoying the lovely weather. They are in McDonalds or on their playstations.

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Its all down to the parents, they have the power to choose what their kids eat, theres too much of this fast food crap now days, of course not all kids are fat just because they eat the wrong foods, computer games and the intertwit, and lack of getting off their back sides has something to do with it also...

but its up to the parents to limit this too...

But how many parents?? enjoy eating all the good foods, the greens and fruit etc: and walk places???

Take a look at the school gates at home time, i always see loads of parents picking up their kids from school, in the car and most only live a 5min walk away......

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It's hardly suprising that there are so many obese kids today.

I personally blame the parents for it, crap diet, lack of excercise and an inability to say no when little Tyler wants a happy meal.


I saw a lad of no more than 9 the other day with a gut, chubby little arms and legs and man boobs - But I it can't be down to the fact he probably stuffs his face with turkey twizzlers, considers excercise waddling between the fridge and his PS2 - No it'll be water retention. More like flippin' cake retention.


Can't people get it into their heads that at that age a child is dependant on its parents to make sensible descicions for it which means taking responsibilty for its diet etc.

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yes the child is dependant on the parents - however do you think that because of busy lives parents have not the time to cook and prepare meals - also the lack of nutritional knowledge is lacking in parents me thinks...........

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Originally posted by bigjay

yes the child is dependant on the parents - however do you think that because of busy lives parents have not the time to cook and prepare meals - also the lack of nutritional knowledge is lacking in parents me thinks...........


I agree that people may have a lack of nutritional knowledge but that should be no excuse for having children who are evidently unhealthy and suffering because of their parents ignorance.


If people really think that feeding a child a constant diet of crap can be in any way good for that child then their suitability as parents should be called into question as their obviously too thick to care for their young.

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