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1 million obese children in the uk

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I 'm very surprised that our wonderful government haven 't repossessed fat kids by now ! How can they let those little [ ? ] mites live with such murderous parents !! The same with any of our kids [ under the age of 30, I mean ] having to live with parents who smoke ! Oh My Gawd !

Don 't the Health & Safety people realise that millions of our tots are keeling over in the street every day, due to the habits of their nasty, selfish, thoughtless, silly, lazy, pleasure-loving ' guardians ' ?

And what about parents who drive fast cars and drink alcohol in front of their little darlings ? Shouldn 't those children, too, be hauled off and put in care of the State. It 's time some committees and quangos were set up, together with outreach workers and co-ordinators.

Sadly, it may already be too late, Mr. Brown !

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I 'm very surprised that our wonderful government haven 't repossessed fat kids by now ! How can they let those little [ ? ] mites live with such murderous parents !! The same with any of our kids [ under the age of 30, I mean ] having to live with parents who smoke ! Oh My Gawd !

Don 't the Health & Safety people realise that millions of our tots are keeling over in the street every day, due to the habits of their nasty, selfish, thoughtless, silly, lazy, pleasure-loving ' guardians ' ?

And what about parents who drive fast cars and drink alcohol in front of their little darlings ? Shouldn 't those children, too, be hauled off and put in care of the State. It 's time some committees and quangos were set up, together with outreach workers and co-ordinators.

Sadly, it may already be too late, Mr. Brown !


Probably a job for Sharon Shoesmith: a professional waster who sees her self serving and self pitying ways as qualifications enough to launch another child 'protection' quango.

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  • 3 years later...
Well where are they all?


I haven't seen that many. In fact, as another thread mentions, I see far more skinny, scantily clad children.


You are probably thinking of ‘morbidly obese’ which is easy to spot, while people who are just obese, most would just call fat.

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I think the lack of exercise is as much to blame as a bad diet, in theory kids can eat almost anything as long as they exercise it off afterwise.


When I was a kid we didn't eat healthy food all the time, we had fishfingers and chips, beefburgers, pizza etc. but were out playing in the street every night.


Now parents don't let their kids leave the house without an armed guard incase they get kidnaped, so they just sit and watch TV and get fat.


Thats my theory anyway.


Sounds a reasonable theory to me.

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a news paper report says today there are 1 million obese children in the uk.......


bad parenting.....? bad lifestlye....? or lack of knowledge.....?


just been scanning our old school photos...only had one fat kid in our year...always last to be picked...how times have changed

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Well where are they all?


I haven't seen that many. In fact, as another thread mentions, I see far more skinny, scantily clad children.


Perhaps what you is normal children, because being over-weight is normal these days.


Our society is based around the car, with sugar and fat in foods on the increase.

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