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1 million obese children in the uk

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I think the lack of exercise is as much to blame as a bad diet, in theory kids can eat almost anything as long as they exercise it off afterwise.


When I was a kid we didn't eat healthy food all the time, we had fishfingers and chips, beefburgers, pizza etc. but were out playing in the street every night.


Now parents don't let their kids leave the house without an armed guard incase they get kidnaped, so they just sit and watch TV and get fat.


Thats my theory anyway.

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Originally posted by Swan_Vesta

It's hardly suprising that there are so many obese kids today.

I personally blame the parents for it, crap diet, lack of excercise and an inability to say no when little Tyler wants a happy meal.


I saw a lad of no more than 9 the other day with a gut, chubby little arms and legs and man boobs - But I it can't be down to the fact he probably stuffs his face with turkey twizzlers, considers excercise waddling between the fridge and his PS2 - No it'll be water retention. More like flippin' cake retention.


Can't people get it into their heads that at that age a child is dependant on its parents to make sensible descicions for it which means taking responsibilty for its diet etc.


I agree to a point but do you realise how strong the power of advertising is?


You'd be hard pushed to find a breakfast cereal for instance, that was actually healthy. All usually loaded with sugar, even musieli. Kids are bombarded with ads wherever they look these days for trash food. My kids have a healthy diet, but it's not easy trying to convince them that the majority of food aimed at children is garbage. Add to that, peer pressure and you have a situation that is not as black and white as you seem to think.


You can't for instance control what rubbish goes into their mouths when they visit their friends. My children are in a minority almost to the point of being regarded as freaky because they eat real, nourishing food.

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my son is 9 , and yes he is chubby. BUT it isnt due to the fact i dont give a damn and dont feed him proper food and he isnt a greedy guts either that munches away all day.


he broke his arm very badly and had to have operations to have metal pins in, he could no longer ride his bike or run round like a maniac outside the pins were in nearly a year and the doctors told us not to let him run about as a bang could further damage it.





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Originally posted by Litha

my son is 9 , and yes he is chubby. BUT it isnt due to the fact i dont give a damn and dont feed him proper food and he isnt a greedy guts either that munches away all day.


he broke his arm very badly and had to have operations to have metal pins in, he could no longer ride his bike or run round like a maniac outside the pins were in nearly a year and the doctors told us not to let him run about as a bang could further damage it.






then control his diet.......!

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control his diet.. bigjay you moron what do you want me to do starve him ive already said it isnt due to me not feeding hom properly or that hes greedy.

read the posts properly before commenting on something you muppet

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Originally posted by Litha

control his diet.. bigjay you moron what do you want me to do starve him ive already said it isnt due to me not feeding hom properly or that hes greedy.

read the posts properly before commenting on something you muppet


VIKE NOTE dont sit on the fence Litha, Just Say what you mean :hihi:

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What I can't understand is that when there are so many more overweight children these days - why are the other children still so nasty to them?? It's not like they're so unusual anymore...


I can't wait for overweight children to outnumber the skinny ones, so when they start getting bullied for it they can band together and beat the crap out of the bullies. :D

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Originally posted by RichD

I can't wait for overweight children to outnumber the skinny ones, so when they start getting bullied for it they can band together and beat the crap out of the bullies. :D


assuming the bullies stand still and wait for them

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