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1 million obese children in the uk

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Originally posted by viking

VIKE NOTE dont sit on the fence Litha, Just Say what you mean :hihi:


well it made me mad, i was pointing out that sometimes things cant be helped. he was a skinny little thing before he hurt his arm, and if it means him putting abit on due to not been able to run about while his arm got better properly then so be it.

some people are just to pig ignorant and want to get a life.

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Originally posted by Litha

control his diet.. bigjay you moron what do you want me to do starve him ive already said it isnt due to me not feeding hom properly or that hes greedy.

read the posts properly before commenting on something you muppet


plesae dont call me a moron - i happen to be a highly qualified personal trainer and nutritionist - and i suspect you have probably fallen into the same trap as alot of people..... not enough knowledge - of what is good food and feeding him properly......eg eating the wrong types of food at the wrong times of the day......


thank you...... muppet:thumbsup:

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it's door to door everywhere in the car - even the supermarket - i respect 100% mobility zones for disabled people but can't for the life of me see why there should be parent and child zones close to the doorways - are they incapable of walking just a few yards more - we are just helping them to become even more lazy and fat

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Originally posted by sally_sheff

can't for the life of me see why there should be parent and child zones close to the doorways - are they incapable of walking just a few yards more


I think the parents are scared I'll run their little darlings over on the odd day I take my car :)

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Originally posted by bigjay

then dont over feed your child.....!!!!!


ohhh what would you give to be able to read and actually understand a post???


your sad and boring and if ya looking for one of these forum fights ya barking up the wrong tree.


and even tho you asked me not to i see no real reason why i cant

*you moron*

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