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1 million obese children in the uk

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Originally posted by bigjay

then dont over feed your child.....!!!!!


ohhh what would you give to be able to read and actually understand a post???


your sad and boring and if ya looking for one of these forum fights ya barking up the wrong tree.


and even tho you asked me not to i see no real reason why i cant

*you moron*

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The fact is that children do not walk enough. At age 16, I attended school in Sheffield and lost 10 lbs in 6 months just by walking everywhere and I was already thin. In fact, I wore out 2 pairs of shoes. (killer hills!)


If parents are concerned about their children going outside for exercise because of reckless drivers and crime, perhaps they should go on long walks WITH them. I can't think of a better win-win situation. Both the parent and child will benefit from the exercise and have the time to really talk.



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Do you have drive ins in the UK? Like drive in banks, or McDonalds. Love means never having to get out of your car. and indulge in exercise. You think you have fat people, try this country.

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Here you go again demonising the obese as they're the last section of society you can and are encouraged by the media to rip the **** out of and, like the indoctrinated little sheep you are...:rant: .


As for taking the car everywhere:

I was an obese child. We did not ever own a car. I walked to and from school, spent long days playing in the woods & fields near our house, walked to from my grandparent's everyday, walked the length of the village to my friends house to play out.


Now, as an obese adult I don't drive and I don't own a car.

I walk to / from work (6 miles), I boycotted the busses last October.

I take 5 portions of fruit plus tins of fish - mackrel, tuna, sardines etc - for snap....


Now my wife does drive everywhere, eats chocolate, sits glued to the TV when I'm gardening or decorating... and she's only 7 stone wet through.


Stereotype me then.

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litha... bigjay... calm down i very much doubt that your son is obese. children frequently have weight that will drop off in their teens.


the crux of the problem is ignorance on the part of the parent, whether a child is truly obese, bad diet and no exercise. technically i guess it's neglect. if, as a parent, you are mindfull of the consequences of a poor diet and little exercise then you don't have to worry... no high horses please.


and yes, england has plenty of drive "thru's" and free delivery on nearly all take-aways and special parking places for drivers with children (i think these are for buggies and prams etc?)

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awayboy i never said my son was obese what a horrible thing to say.. i said he was chubby.

i was just giving a for instance where sometimes it is not due to people not givin a damn.

i have a 16 year old that was also chubby as a young un... he is now stick thin.



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My daughter is chubby (not obese) she eats sensibly and walks everywhere, but the reason she put on the weight is becuase due to her having bad asthma when she was younger the doctors put her on steroid tablets and she hasn't been able to shift the weight since!

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Originally posted by tpiddo

My daughter is chubby (not obese) she eats sensibly and walks everywhere, but the reason she put on the weight is becuase due to her having bad asthma when she was younger the doctors put her on steroid tablets and she hasn't been able to shift the weight since!


the reason she has not been able to shift the weight is because her calorie intake will balance with her energy output ie (her walking to lose weight). you either have to do one of two things - reduce the calorie intake or increase the calories burnt - through exercise.......! also remember the body becomes tolerent to exercise...... so lets say you ate the same amount of calories each day (2500) and walked a mile to work and throughout the day you only burnt off 1500 calories you would never lose weight and would eventuallly put it on........ so you see it doesnt matter how healthy you think you are eating or how much you walk...... your expended energy needs to be greater than your intake.......!!!!!


back to the body becoming tolerent to exercise - if you walked the same mile to work every day at the same pace in the same time do you think you would get any fitter....? no you wouldnt so you have to increase one of the factors.... the time spent walking ie walk for longer or the speed walked ie walk faster.........


hope this might clear somethings up

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Is there any truth in the theory that eating every 3 hours helps you slim, by stimulating your metabolism, and that dieting does the opposite causing your body to cling onto the fat it has ?

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Originally posted by nick2

Is there any truth in the theory that eating every 3 hours helps you slim, by stimulating your metabolism, and that dieting does the opposite causing your body to cling onto the fat it has ?


this is gospel nick2 as long as the food is high protein foods and not bread and slow burning complex carbs....

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