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1 million obese children in the uk

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Originally posted by bigjay

you either have to do one of two things - reduce the calorie intake or increase the calories burnt - through exercise....

You keep saying that (and things like it), but while you are correct in that weight loss will occur when calorie usage exceeds calorie intake, the fact is you don't HAVE to do anything. Just because somebody is overweight, doesn't make them a less important person - as Don said further up the thread, overweight people still suffer active discrimination which is encouraged by the media. This should not be the case. Overweight (or fat or obese) people should not be discriminated against in any way.


I am overweight. Why? Because I like my food, and I don't enjoy exercise. Why should I have to do without nice things and subject myself to exhausting activities (and the ridicule of others for being no good at them) just so that I can fit in with what other people define as acceptable? When the skinny little runt next to me can eat twice as much as me (of the SAME things) and not put on a single pound, why should I be treated badly because I want to enjoy the things others take for granted?

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I think the thread was originally heading in the direction of "what are the health consequences for overweight children" not whether or not overweight children are nice people or not.


I nag my boyfriend to come swimming with me, not because I think he's horribly overweight and I don't like it (I prefer big men anyway), but because I don't want to come home from work and find him dead on the floor.

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Originally posted by RichD

You keep saying that (and things like it), but while you are correct in that weight loss will occur when calorie usage exceeds calorie intake, the fact is you don't HAVE to do anything. Just because somebody is overweight, doesn't make them a less important person - as Don said further up the thread, overweight people still suffer active discrimination which is encouraged by the media. This should not be the case. Overweight (or fat or obese) people should not be discriminated against in any way.


I am overweight. Why? Because I like my food, and I don't enjoy exercise. Why should I have to do without nice things and subject myself to exhausting activities (and the ridicule of others for being no good at them) just so that I can fit in with what other people define as acceptable? When the skinny little runt next to me can eat twice as much as me and not put on a single pound, why should I be treated badly because I want to enjoy the things others take for granted?


RichD - ive made a good living out of training people and made many people happy because they have lost weight - however i have also met some people that started and didnt enjoy it or didnt want to do it - i dont force people to exercise or eat healthy - you choose your own lifestyle and what makes you happy...... if you are happy ( and i dont mean that sarcastically in any way ) in yourself then good on you........ i only rant when people moan to me that they want to lose weight then do nothing about it......!!!!!! or expect it to be easy..... because its not - if it were there wouldnt be 1 million obese children in the country.......

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Originally posted by nick2

I think the thread was originally heading in the direction of "what are the health consequences for overweight children" not whether or not overweight children are nice people or not.

I realise that, but the argument between Litha and Bigjay turned the emphasis somewhat. Also, I never said overweight children weren't nice - I said they were discriminated against. It's the people doing the discriminating who aren't nice.

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Originally posted by RichD

I realise that, but the argument between Litha and Bigjay turned the emphasis somewhat. Also, I never said overweight children weren't nice - I said they were discriminated against. It's the people doing the discriminating who aren't nice.


obese people arent discriminated against at all........


the point i was trying to get across was that obesity is on the rise........ if people are aware of the health consequences and the strain the million obese children wiil put on the NHS in a further 25 - 30 YEARS then fine but it would be a disaster if people didnt know the damage they are doing......

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If recent statistics are only broadly true , we must be fast turning into the most unhealthy country in Europe.

We have , I think , a couple of million at least who can't work because of various disabilities , a million obese children , lots of obese adults , children with asthma , alcoholics , drug addicts and , reputedly , about 11 million people slowly committing suicide by smoking.We are also seeing increasing cases of T.B. and a large increase in sexually transmitted diseases , including Aids. I don't know how many mentally ill people there are but there never seems to be any good news about a sudden drop in mental health problems.

It's obvious that the billions we've poured into the N.H.S over the years hasn't had much effect --------or that we are so unhealthy that it's nowhere near enough and we need to pour billions more into it.

Whatever the case it's a pretty depressing picture , especially when you consider how much effort and money has gone into Health Propoganda , on all levels. , over the years.

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Originally posted by bigjay

obese people arent discriminated against at all........

Sorry mate, got to pull you up on that one. Yes they are.


I'm not saying YOU discriminate against them. But overweight children are bullied throughout school because of their size. I was. I was bullied for other reasons too, but being overweight was the main one. Overweight adults, having already had their self-confidence destroyed as children, have to put up with hearing people make derogatory comments about them as they walk past, and have to try twice as hard to make new friends because looks count for so much these days. Studies have even shown that they tend to earn less over the course of their careers (the only source I can quote at this time is an American news story - http://www.usatoday.com/money/workplace/2002-09-04-overweight-pay-bias_x.htm - but I'll look for more)


None of the above is helped by the media, who continuously try to persuade everyone that they should look like supermodels, and encourage people to despise fat.

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Originally posted by RichD

None of the above is helped by the media, who continuously try to persuade everyone that they should look like supermodels, and encourage people to despise fat.


It's mostly aimed at women though, you don't see adverts on TV for diets or low fat stuff with men in them. The strange thing is though that most men (that I know) arn't realy attracted to stick thin women.

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