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1 million obese children in the uk

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But seriously though, the human body is built to be slim and muscular and I have little sympathy with people who eat like pigs and don't exercise and then sue McDonalds or whatever. If you have a tendency to put on weight then bloody lose it! There are VERY few instances where weight problems are unchangeable.


I used to be of the opinion that we should be totally open minded and 'big is beautiful' and stuff, but if it's cutting your life expectancy and endangering your health then people should do something about it.


However, the reason I used to be in the 'learn to love your chubbiness' camp is because I think dieting is so, so dangerous and can lead to weight obsession and eating disorders (I've seen it happen in so many people). As long as it is done carefully though I think weight loss is important.


Oh and while I'm at it, I don't think natural slimness and inability to put on weight (like my good self) is an excuse for eating tons of crap just because you don't gain weight. It's just as unhealthy to eat rubbish and stay thin as gain weight from it.

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If I want to cut my life expectancy, that's my business isn't it?

It's not affecting you is it?

I don't want sympathy or empathy or to 'loved because I'm a chubby' by some patronising do gooder.

I want to enjoy my life without being bullied, made to feel guilty, or be the discriminated victim of some media induced opinion.


Thanks :D

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I think noseyrosie's post shows the unthinking attitude and discrimination that some people have to the obese. She obviously found it acceptable to write "Hehehe f a t t i e s", I don't think she would have had the same attitude to someone from an ethnic minority or disabled as writing "Hehehe ****" or "Hehehe cripple" would have landed her in hot water.


I suffer from crohn's disease and have a constant battle with my weight, I've weighed as little as 6 stone and as much as 16. I am at the moment around 13 stone and probably need to loose a couple.


The issue of obese children is a tremendously complex one. Food advertisement aimed at children is abhorent and should be banned. Anyone shopping with a child will know how difficult it can be to drag them past the "Postman Pat" spaghetti, "Tweenies" yoghurts and "Star Wars" biscuits.


One playing field a day comes under threat of development in this country, so even when children want to run about or kick a ball there is a chance that the open space isn't available to them locally. Physical Education isn't a core curriculum subject and over the past years has been sadly neglected in schools.


When I was a child I was allowed a great deal of freedom as were all childern. Child killings and paedaphilia didn't seem as prevalent (although it may well have been) so parents where happy for thier children to be out playing unsupervised. Unfortunately now many parents don't feel the same way, so children are kept indoors.


Lastly it must be said that many children find computer games more stimulating than playing tag or football so it can be an uphill battle getting them out and excercising.

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Wow, there are some very extreme views on this post! While I agree there are medical conditions that will preclude a certain percentage of children from being able to have a healthy weight, the rest are just plain lazy and/or their parents keep them locked up.


Even though being overweight does not necessarily preclude being healthy, in many cases it is NOT healthy and that is why it is a problem. For the MAJORITY, they could benefit from a better diet and more exercise.


For those that want to make fun of overweight people, the words I would use to describe them would in the four letter variety.....@#!*




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I know a lot of women who do various stupid diets.


they sit on their big fatr arses in the office counting calories but will not do any exercise.




easy way to lose weight.


eat sensibly and do exercise.


easy as that

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Originally posted by Chicago

Wow, there are some very extreme views on this post! While I agree there are medical conditions that will preclude a certain percentage of children from being able to have a healthy weight, the rest are just plain lazy and/or their parents keep them locked up.


Even though being overweight does not necessarily preclude being healthy, in many cases it is NOT healthy and that is why it is a problem. For the MAJORITY, they could benefit from a better diet and more exercise.


For those that want to make fun of overweight people, the words I would use to describe them would in the four letter variety.....@#!*







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Originally posted by noseyrosie

But seriously though, the human body is built to be slim and muscular and I have little sympathy with people who eat like pigs and don't exercise and then sue McDonalds or whatever. If you have a tendency to put on weight then bloody lose it! There are VERY few instances where weight problems are unchangeable.

I've got no sympathy for anyone who wants to sue McDonalds either - in my opinion such people should be locked up on mental health grounds. What you eat is your own decision, not that of the food providers.


I am not nearly as overweight as these nutcases. I could stand to lose a couple of stone, but so what?! It's not making me ill, I'm not bed-ridden, I don't take up one and a half seats on a bus or train. So why should I have to put up with other people telling me how THEY think I should look? It's no-one else's bloody business!!

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Originally posted by RichD

I've got no sympathy for anyone who wants to sue McDonalds either - in my opinion such people should be locked up on mental health grounds. What you eat is your own decision, not that of the food providers.


I am not nearly as overweight as these nutcases. I could stand to lose a couple of stone, but so what?! It's not making me ill, I'm not bed-ridden, I don't take up one and a half seats on a bus or train. So why should I have to put up with other people telling me how THEY think I should look? It's no-one else's bloody business!!


But it's not to do with how I or anyone else thinks you should look - I'm the first one to criticise the media for causing eating disorders and stuff. It's more that it is unhealthy (it is!) and unnatural. Our natural shape is slim and muscular through evolution.

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I'm sure we've had a similar topic on S.F. before and I posed a question that no-one seems to have answered.

People often say that obesity in children and adults is due to their genes or metabolism. I've worked and visited a lot of countries all over the world but I've never seen the number of obese people that I see wobbling about all over the U.K. Does this mean that some countries are genetically more inclined to be more obese than others ? Is it a mere co-incidence that most of the obese people I've seen in the U.K. are pushing huge quantities of fast food on trollies out of supermarkets or stuffing treble cheeseburgers in their mouths as they saunter along the street ?

There's nothing at all wrong with being ,"overweight ". I'm overweight myself but , as a society , if we are worried about kids being obese , we should ponder why one sees virtually no obese kids in certain [usually , non-Western ] countries.All the diets in the world won't work if it's the general life-style that's causing the problem with kids.

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