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1 million obese children in the uk

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Can you imagine how rubbish Laurel and Hardy would have looked if they had both been thin and muscular? If we returned to a hunter-gatherer existence, we would all be t and m (I'm more of a g and t man myself). But Rosie, it's not the olden days no more and we don't have to run away from marauding sabre-tooth tigers and use leaves as lav paper.


I think we should celebrate modern life. Imagine how much happier the Troglodytes of yore would have been if they could have bought pork pies and chilled lager, and/or had the opportunity to stuff themselves with sweets all day. Lovely modern sweets like Sour Squirms and Milk Bottles. But then, you are only a fledgling, blinking uncomprehendingly into the dazzling sun of adulthood. Saying rotten things about fat people is one of the privaleges of youth - enjoy it while you can.


I'd steer clear of homespun evolutionary theories, though, if I were you, you'll get RoyJames all excited.....

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I agree with Lord Snooty. Life has moved on and it would be very boring if we all , more or less , looked the same.

What puzzles me , however , is that a large number of people seem very worried about , "fatness" or , "obesity " but don't seem to have a clue that there may be a connection between obesity and children eating lots of fast food , getting less excercise at school than they used to get , spending a lot of time watching t.v. or playing with computers and being driven to and from school. These people are always going on about , "genes" and "metabolism " and endless dieting but can't see the obvious answer in front of them !

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Originally posted by Fareast

What puzzles me , however , is that a large number of people seem very worried about , "fatness" or , "obesity " but don't seem to have a clue that there may be a connection between obesity and children eating lots of fast food , getting less excercise at school than they used to get , spending a lot of time watching t.v. or playing with computers and being driven to and from school. These people are always going on about , "genes" and "metabolism " and endless dieting but can't see the obvious answer in front of them !

It is indeed puzzling. The answer in staring them in the face. I know exactly why I'm overweight, and I freely admit it. For people to hide behind cliches like "I've got a slow metabolism" is bonkers - if you know you have a slow metabolism and you want to lose weight - eat better (or less) and do more exercise.

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Originally posted by noseyrosie

Our natural shape is slim and muscular through evolution.

The evolution argument carries no weight (no pun intended), I'm afraid. Allow me to explain:


Species evolve according to their environment, predators, food source etc. In the wild, any animal (including humans) which could not keep up with the pack were left behind and picked off by predators. Animals not strong or fast enough to catch their own prey would go hungry. The least fit died; the rest of the pack survived. In short - Survival of the Fittest. So anyone who got fat would be killed by a sabre-toothed tiger or something.


Modern humans have discarded the concept of Survival of the Fittest. We look after the weakest members of our society - for example we make provisions for disabled people so that they can enjoy a decent standard of living - we have laws forbidding us from discriminating against anyone who is physically or mentally disadvantaged, except where NOT discriminating would be unsafe or improper.


So evolution made us thin and muscular - then we reached a point where our environment no longer required that adaptation - we have no predators, and we have machines to do much of our work for us. We don't even have to run after our 'prey' to have something to eat, because we've got farms, lorries and supermarkets that bring our dinner practically to our own front door. As such, a lesser proportion of our society are thin and muscular, and the least fit DO survive. Evolution has taken a bow, and stepped out of the limelight.

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Originally posted by Don_Kiddick

If I want to cut my life expectancy, that's my business isn't it?


But is it fair that all tax payers have to pay for your care while you're in hospital should you suffer from one of many of the affects of being overweight for what is essentially (in many cases, not all), a self-inflicted illness?


The same could be said for smoking.


I'm not judging, IMO people can do whatever the hell they fancy within the constraints of the law and the last time I checked, being fat isn't illegal :)


PS: I'm sat eating a big greasy bacon sandwich on white bread with loadsa tomato ketchup. This media thinks you can burn in hell for eating this way :)

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Maybe, but I too am a taxpayer and have been paying into the 'pot' since leaving school.


My taxes have so far paid for your education, your families NHS care... etc.


it's a very fair system really.


Not only that but with a 16yr career in the NHS chances are I've even cared for one of your family :thumbsup:


Life's good innit?

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Another attempt to make fatty feel guilty


Breaking News - it didn't work

Originally posted by noseyrosie

As someone said recently, it's sad that there are people dying from eating too much in Britain today when millions die from not having enough to eat every day.

Maybe they should get up of their bony arses & go & get a job instead of living off handouts.



We can all be crass.

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Originally posted by Don_Kiddick

Another attempt to make fatty feel guilty


Breaking News - it didn't work


Maybe they should get up of their bony arses & go & get a job instead of living off handouts.



We can all be crass.


I was talking about people dying from poverty and malnourishment you tit. I wasn't being crass.

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