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1 million obese children in the uk

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Originally posted by noseyrosie

I was talking about people dying from poverty and malnourishment you tit. I wasn't being crass.


I was referrinng to your

hehehe fatties
crassness. And children should not be calling adults names like tit on a family forum.
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You've heard the old saying, 'inside every fat man.....there's an even fatter one?' If I were a lady, and asked my lady friends, 'tell me the truth, girls, am I fat?' They would tell me I am not fat, just 'voluptuous'. And if one of my friends was a lady, and was fat (which she would be because one of them is), and asked me, 'tell me the truth Lady Snooty, am I fat?' I'd say, 'no, no, of course not, you're voluptuous', then spoil it all by adding something like, 'you know - like a Rhinocerous'. The point being...............no, it's gone.


Oh yeah! So, Don, my darling, may I say how ravishingly 'voluptuous' you look this morning, you know, like a sack of potatoes. Oh bugger! I've got it wrong again!!

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Originally posted by Fareast

I'm sure we've had a similar topic on S.F. before and I posed a question that no-one seems to have answered.

People often say that obesity in children and adults is due to their genes or metabolism. I've worked and visited a lot of countries all over the world but I've never seen the number of obese people that I see wobbling about all over the U.K. Does this mean that some countries are genetically more inclined to be more obese than others ? Is it a mere co-incidence that most of the obese people I've seen in the U.K. are pushing huge quantities of fast food on trollies out of supermarkets or stuffing treble cheeseburgers in their mouths as they saunter along the street ?

There's nothing at all wrong with being ,"overweight ". I'm overweight myself but , as a society , if we are worried about kids being obese , we should ponder why one sees virtually no obese kids in certain [usually , non-Western ] countries.All the diets in the world won't work if it's the general life-style that's causing the problem with kids.


most kid/people in this country are overweight because they eat bad food and don't exercise. A very small percentage will have problems with their genes.

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Originally posted by Don_Kiddick

I was referrinng to your crassness. And children should not be calling adults names like tit on a family forum.


I'm not a child thank you very much, once again, don't patronise me it's inneffective and silly. I'm a) concerned for the nation's health - overweight leads to diabetes, heart disease an any nubmer of other things as well as the more obvious shortness of breath etc. Aside from feeling bad for the people involved it's also a strain on the NHS that could be prevented. And b) as I said, it seems preposterous that there are people dying from overeating when there are people dying from not enough to eat.

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But smoking and drinking cause drains on the NHS and they're equally preventable. And so for that matter do the thousands of people who turn up at the local casualty department with sports related injuries, like broken legs, sprains, strains and so on. Obviously we should get people doing less sport... oh, hang on.


The point is, living is a drain on the NHS whatever you do. The only way to prevent it is for everyone to commit suicide now. You can never take away every activity that is in the slightest bit unhealthy.

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Let's be honest the government could do a great deal to help solve the obesity problem. Make Physical Education a foundation subject in schools, provide free leisure facilities (this could even be as simple as an area of open space), ban food advertising that is directed at children, tax sugar and fat. A whole host of things. Will they do it, of course not, the food industry is worth billions and as such has enormous lobbying power.


To blame obesity on eating too much and bad parenting is grossly over simplyfying the problem. This country had its healthiest diet when we were rationed during and after the war, maybe we should go back to that?

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Originally posted by sanman

Make Physical Education a foundation subject in schools,

Absolute worst thing they could do. Overweight and unfit children (and those with co-ordinational problems, such as dyspraxia) already suffer enough in PE lessons - but to have them humiliated even further by failing a core subject would be unforgivable. Negative reinforcement does not work for everyone. They won't be striving to get better at PE - they'll be getting more depressed by the week.


The worst thing by far is having Sports Day as compulsory - year after year the teachers made me go out for races against my will, knowing full well I'd come last in front of everyone and their parents. What kind of way is that to treat a child?


I agree with most of your other points though....

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I agree with Metalman and I think the point could be carried further.

I'm sure that millions of people in this country take part in , or watch certain activities , simply because they ARE dangerous and therefore create more interest. How many people would follow the Everest climbers , the Round the World in a Yacht people , motor racing ......etc.......if all these were easy and without an element of danger.Even people who don't follow dangerous activities never seem to slag them off ; they usually say , "Oh , well , if they want to risk their lives , so be it ."

Life would be unutterably boring for a lot of us if risk-taking was eliminated from society ; therefore if we are going to allow risk-taking , we have to be prepared to pay for it , whatever it is.

However , when it comes to things like eating cream cakes , boozing and smoking , a large group then throw their hands up in horror and say , "Oh , no , you can't enjoy yourself THAT way and risk your health. We don't approve of THAT kind of risk -taking !"

There seem to be two types of people in Britain , in this respect-------those who live life , with some risk ------and those who would rather worry themselves over living and all that it entails. Also , they can hardly accuse the Smokers and Drinkers of not paying for their pleasures------both pay a vast amount more in tax than they ever cost society. Do mountain climbers ?

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Originally posted by noseyrosie

as I said, it seems preposterous that there are people dying from overeating when there are people dying from not enough to eat.


The trouble with this argument, Rosie, is that it's not a simple cause and effect, is it? They're not starving because I've stolen their food, and the simple fact is that if I eat less, they will still die because that food won't miraculously be transported across to them. My eating less will not solve this problem, and in effect there is very little I can do about it. You might just as well say, how preposterous it is that people die from drug overdoses here while people in Africa die for the want of very basic cheap drugs - it's exactly the same sort of argument though if anything it's a much more pressing problem to solve.

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Originally posted by noseyrosie

I'm not a child thank you very much, once again, don't patronise me it's inneffective and silly. I'm a) concerned for the nation's health - overweight leads to diabetes, heart disease an any nubmer of other things as well as the more obvious shortness of breath etc. Aside from feeling bad for the people involved it's also a strain on the NHS that could be prevented. And b) as I said, it seems preposterous that there are people dying from overeating when there are people dying from not enough to eat.


:suspect: So only you have the monopoly on patronising people - eh?


So when you drink to excess in your student bars, tlking loudly about student issues, aren't you risking your life by hammering your liver?


Are you a smoker?

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