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The Film JFK - and conspiracy theories

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I saw some of this the other night. It was basically a conspiracy theory. One of many. Do people here think that there was more to the assasination of Jonh F Kennedy than the 'official' explanation says or do you think conspiracy theorists are a bit deluded?


I don't usually go in for conspiracy theories myself but i will keep an open mind.

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There has been probably more written and discussed about this event than any other. Watch the video in slow mode and watch his body motion. The Americans have always been adept at altering history, accounts and for losing things that matter.

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Thanks Sherlock! We'd never have guessed without your intuitive, although somewhat belated, insight into this matter.


Most of us only saw 'some of it' as we fell asleep after the first 15 minutes.


Well quite.


"Back and to the left; back and to the left"....yawn :?

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I saw some of this the other night. It was basically a conspiracy theory. One of many. Do people here think that there was more to the assasination of Jonh F Kennedy than the 'official' explanation says or do you think conspiracy theorists are a bit deluded?


I don't usually go in for conspiracy theories myself but i will keep an open mind.


The trouble with Oliver Stone's book is that he bases it on Jim Marrs book:


Stone brought the film rights to Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy, and Sone even used Jim Marrs as a consultant on his movie.


Nothing wrong with that.........until you learn that Jim Marrs has become an icon amongst the conspiracy theorists world along with David Ike.

He is a member of Scholars for 9/11 Truth, the same people that champion the "Loose Change" documentory and also speaks at "Conspiracy Con" conferences.


Marrs is facinated by the subject of JFK and UFOs.....so much so that he has now linked the 2 subjects.

Marrs suggests that Kennedy may have been about to spill the beans on the existence of Etra Terrestrials visiting Earth,and that was in part why JFK was silenced in Dallas!




Who know's what truely happened to JFK, but one things for certain Stone's movie needs to be taken with a big sack of salt just like anything that Marrs now spouts about 9/11 and Etra Terrestrials.

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but i will keep an open mind.


Always helpful. "Conspiracy theorist" has become a pejorative term, which isn't helpful, since some people just have questions that have been left unanswered or unexplained.


JFK was wanted dead by a lot of people, including some, I presume, in the establishment. One of his key policies threatened the status quo concerning the Federal Reserve banking system, for example, so I deem it perfectly plausible that banking elites of that time would want him out of the picture so they could continue to run their scam of defrauding the American people.


At the end of the day, though, we can't KNOW for definite can we? We have to trust someone for the "official story" and we should be well aware of the kind of misinformation that passes for truth even in these supposedly enlightened times.


The humility to say "I don't know"...


At the end of the end of the day (the very end of the day), what does it matter? People are killed every day. There is no reason why we should spend any more of our energies analysing the JFK assassination than we should, say, for the Iraq war or any other conquest to change the existing order.

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I saw some of this the other night. It was basically a conspiracy theory. One of many. Do people here think that there was more to the assasination of Jonh F Kennedy than the 'official' explanation says or do you think conspiracy theorists are a bit deluded?


I don't usually go in for conspiracy theories myself but i will keep an open mind.


Doesn't that imply having one in the first place?

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A conspiracy is when two or more persons knowingly plan a criminal act.

The assassination of President Kennedy was carried out by two,possibly three marksmen.

The rub of course is that Lee Harvey Oswald was NOT one of the marksmen.

It was impossible for him to get three shots off in around 7 seconds from the book depository window...upon a moving target...and most certainly not with the so called murder weapon later produced.,.and more to point ..the angle was all wrong.

The murder of JFK was therefore a conspiracy..............The first shot hit JFK in the throat and the film actually is blocked out by the lampost...at the point where he clutches his throat...no one can tell at this point whether the shot came from the front or the rear....this was the so called "magic bullet"

If the first shot was not fatal...the second most certainly was.....this came from the front of the car at an angle...the force being so powerful it took half of the skull away and part of the brain....study the film a little more closely and you will see how the impact threw him back in the seat...so shot from the front and not behind.

The shots were timed to near perfection...was there a third shooter....but a shot going off simultaneously with a second shot would give rise to and confuse the listening and watching public.

So yes a conspiracy but not in the sense of the general meaning....who was behind it, we may never know,but Lee Harvey Oswald was not the man.

Jack Ruby killed him, not to shut him up but as a warning to the other conspirators.

The Federal Government will release the facts of November 1963 around 2060...and by that time it wont matter to any people in this forum as to whom actually killed JFK

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