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Sheffield Slang For A Story


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Thanks for clarifying - that definitely helps. I think it's perfect in my opinion - that mindset. I was only thinking "upper middle" because I thought it would make for an interesting story, but it just wouldn't work with his character - and if I turned his upbringing into a posh one, it would actually probably ruin the whole mood of the story anyway, so I'm glad we discussed this.


Since I am printing this (along with another short story - about 24 pages altogether), I'm definitely thinking about selling it in London and maybe Sheffield. I really don't know how much I'd be willing to take on, because I don't know how difficult it is or isn't to sell in another country - never tried it, but I definitely want to do it. Are there any really good independent bookstores I should consider?

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Since I am printing this (along with another short story - about 24 pages altogether), I'm definitely thinking about selling it in London and maybe Sheffield. I really don't know how much I'd be willing to take on, because I don't know how difficult it is or isn't to sell in another country - never tried it, but I definitely want to do it. Are there any really good independent bookstores I should consider?


I don't know personally as I get all my books from Play or Amazon online or Waterstones in town. You might be better off starting a thread in the Sheffield discussions section asking this question as you will get more responses. If you word the question so it doesn't look like it should be pigeon holed in this section, then it shouldn't be moved but even if it is you should get a few responses first.

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