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Toby Rides Again!

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Wouldn't it have been something if Toby had had the opportunity to interview Mark Collett, who now won't be standing for Hillsborough and Brightside.


Yes, it is almost (almost;)) a shame that he wont get the opportunity. I do however think there is another BNP candidate who is due to stand, although I am prepared to be corrected.

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Did anyone listen to Toby Foster's interview this morning with the BNP councillor from Barnsley?


Toby was polite, quite rightly let him have his say, then challenged his statements.


The BNP man stated that the people of Barnsley were fed up of foreigners and immigration generally as illustrated in the electoral roll, and the fact that their children couldnt get into housing becaue it was prioritised for immigrants.


Foster replied that he had looked at the roll and the Barnsley population was 99% white and 98% British white, making it one of the whitest areas in the country.


To counter this, the BNP man stated that ethnic minorities in Barnsley received grants and rent free periods in commercial premises that white people were ineligible for.


Toby must have seen this coming as he replied that when he set up his business he received a £1000 grant and 6 grant free period for premises in Barnsley!


Throughout this he remained polite, he didnt hector the BNP councillor and put his point across as calmy as possible, maintaining that the BNP were trading on fear and stories that were guaranteed to arouse the indigenous population.


I think if David Dimbleby feels reluctant to chair Question Time when Nick Griffin appears, that we have our home grown replacement for him. Top marks Toby!


Toby is a great guy, but he will never be able to jump! ;)

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