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Would My Idea For A Restaurant Work?


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You know where you get chatting with your other half as to what you would do if you won the Lottery and if, of course, you fancied staying in business as opposed to spending the rest of your life journeying around the world? Well, I've always had two ideas as to what I'd do if I won 'megabux' and here's one.


I would like your comments but I wish to add that this is highly unlikely to happen for a number of reasons including a) I have no expertise or knowledge in either the licensed or food trade; b) I'm happy in my present job in my own business; and c) I'd need to be rich and stupid to give it a go.


My plan revolves around a restaurant/bar-cum-club. Based on the ones you read about in the 1960s in London (but with an up-to-date theme). I imagine the design being black and silver, a room big enough to have a bar with horse shoe shaped dining booths around the edges of what is a dance floor. In a corner, a raised stage for frequent live bands.


The bar is called '66, which reflects the style of the place. Sixties music, classy posters of pop groups and singers (Beatles, Stones, Kinks, Orbison) and models of the day (Twiggy etc and Sharon Tate, naturally!) and sports headlines (Football World Cup) - indeed 'The Summer Of Love'. There'd be piped music during the quieter periods of the day but live music and dancing at peak periods and late into the night where a resident band - and other singers - could take to the stage.


The idea is to provide for folk wanting to eat, drink and party the night away. The music would of course centre around the sounds of the 1960s but could easily include 70s tunes - a potential marked audience one would suggest to have a decent amount of expendable income!!


Food would be steak, chicken and the like with decent red and white wines and a bar crammed with real ales and bottled lagers.


Would such a venture stand a chance? Would there be a target audience willing to come to such a place and moreover, frequent it? The under 30s would probably not be interested meaning that there'd be a place for the 30, 40 and 50-somethings to go to of an evening or even during the day.


Good food, live music and a place to spend the entire evening.


What am I bid?!

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It sounds like a great idea as long as those under 30, whilst not the target audience, would still be welcome! Sixties theme, posters of musicians and models, decent music during the day, live bands, real ale - it ticks all the boxes for me. It's what I like to imagine (in a somewhat romanticised way) the bars of swinging London were like (infact it made me think of the Bag O'Nails near Carnaby Street, which the Beatles, Hendrix et al. used to frequent).


Just please, please, please no karaoke (it was created by the devil, I'm sure). :)

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