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Whats happened to Chairboy?


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Thanks folks for your good wishes. I am due back at WPH in January. I had a recent blood test and both kidney function and liver were fine, no malignancy. Had a problem with bowels for the last month but think that is down to painkillers.

Same old story; counter one problem and hit upon another one!

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Many thanks everyone for your kind comments and words of encouragement.

It reminds me of a third platform bow at the Proms but no encore tonight I'm afraid!


Without a doubt, like me you must have been at High Storrs in some capacity. Alas, in my wartime days at the reasonably new Grammar School the Prefects gave me hell so after a verbal warning to them I thumped just the one. Really, that was my capacity!


However, I do remember my Grammar and note your ‘no encore’. I think in my day the witty reply to ‘Encore’ was “never mind the encore, let the same man sing again.”


Like you, Chairboy, I too was lost but eventually found after a period of years! Hospital without sticks or my frame left my leg muscles to more or less rot so then more than two years in Care Home with Wheelchair (one for the use of) where I now reside until the Grim Reaper finds me something better.


Once discovered, I have returned from time to time but more to read than write. But the one thing that brought a lump to my throat was the knowledge that Forumers, who other than through SF I had never met, cared enough to start asking the same questions and taking steps to find me. So, I too miss you and would like to wish you every success in the fight that you do not want.


Good luck, Chairboy, from my heart. And good wishes.

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Hello Chairboy,


I read with great interest your account of the visit of Stoke. You mentioned a fellow 'graph hunter - Alan Scholey. I knew Alan years ago - it would have been in the 60's - and he was a bit of a character to say the least.


Without wishing to embarrass you, can I just say how greatly I admire your grit, stoicism and tenacity. May I wish you the happiest of days, and hope that when you do look down on us from above, you will have a wry smile on your face.


We never met and that's a great pity, but needless to say, everyone on the forum is 'with you'.


My very best wishes.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My sister, Kathryn, just pointed me at the King Ecgbert's thread on this site.


I've got some really fond memories of your maths classes. I remember you bringing in a radio to listen to the Derby. Another funny one was the time you decided to get imaginative on the school reports instead of the usual, "must try harder" and ended up having to have them all re-written.


You helped make maths a lot of fun. Like you I share a love of sport, so combining the two was always good.


I'm going to be back over in Sheffield in March -- would be really great to see you.


Thanks for being an inspiration for me.


John Gill


PS tried to send you a private message but your mail box is full.

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