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Woman fell through bus stop window on Halifax Road 18.9.09


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I'm guessing that you are the kind of person that phones up to complain about those home video shows that show people falling over?


I find this funnier. The home videos are usually staged, or American imports. Usually they are staged to get on telly and get their 50 quid or whatever

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Yesterday i was getting off the number 20 bus at the shops near the White horse pub on Halifax Road when an old lady at the bus stop leaned on the window only there wasnt any glass and she fell right through on to the road!.

Imagine Del Boy falling into the bar "play it cool trigg, play it cool"


My boyfriend helped the poor love up..no injury caused thankfully!

Maybe the bus company should put a sign or tape across windows that have been removed/smashed (if they are aware of coure) so this kind of thing doesnt happen again. could have been much much worse!


nothing whatsoever to do with any bus company, its the Transport Executive who deal with bus stops, cleaning and maintenance, one call to them and they will be on the case like a shot.

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i was wondering how long it would take for some miserable git to come out with that,


If it was a chav or a drunk fair enough I would have ****** myself laughing, but it was an old lady & I would have thought that the well being of the lady was more important than wishing they had got to there mobile in time as some people have proclaimed!... She says she was alright, but that could have been due to embarrassment, knowing that people were more bothered about laughing behind her back rather than helping her. Thank god the original posters boyfriend helped her up.


TBH thats whats wrong in todays society imho.... People don't care unless its its part of there family or friends. & as for me being a "miserable git", I am 26 and not that old!. I just respect the elderly, something which most posters on here don't seem to share!.

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If it was a chav or a drunk fair enough I would have ****** myself laughing, but it was an old lady & I would have thought that the well being of the lady was more important than wishing they had got to there mobile in time as some people have proclaimed!... She says she was alright, but that could have been due to embarrassment, knowing that people were more bothered about laughing behind her back rather than helping her. Thank god the original posters boyfriend helped her up.


TBH thats whats wrong in todays society imho.... People don't care unless its its part of there family or friends. & as for me being a "miserable git", I am 26 and not that old!. I just respect the elderly, something which most posters on here don't seem to share!.


So it's OK for a 'chav' to fall, but not an old lady.


YOU are what's wrong with society. An old lady is not more important than a 'chav'.

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So it's OK for a 'chav' to fall, but not an old lady.


YOU are what's wrong with society. An old lady is not more important than a 'chav'.


Actually, you'll find that an old lady "IS MORE IMPORTANT"!!!!!!!!!!!. A chav could have fallen through and not be bothered, maybe had a laugh with his mates if they so the incident. However, a old lady that is frail is more likely to brake bones etc... than someone who is around my age as an example.


I suggest you have a look at nursing homes & see how old people need more attention....

Edited by the1
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Just because you post in bold, does not make it any more valid.


Yes a chav could have fallen and not be bothered, but a chav could have fell and been injured. What gives you the right say it's fine for a chav to fall, but not for an old lady. Yes the chances may be higher for an old lady, but they can both be injured. However you seem to be singling out chavs like they are a whole different species of being.


You say you respect the elderly? Well how about having respect for the human race. Someone doesn't deserve any more respect just because they are older.

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