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Love on the forum

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Awww, some lovely stories! I'm single and looking, but like some others would be very nervous of attending a meet on my own. Maybe I'll pluck up the courage someday...


A x


Going to a meet doesn't mean 'looking for someone' :). I never had any aspirations of meeting anyone 'to go out with', I'd just split with someone and wanted nothing of the sort.


Most of my friends were/ and are married/kids now. It's harder to make regular nights out with them. I just thought it'd be something different to meet a few people, to see whether they were like how I expected them to be, after seeing some kind of persona in here. Almost everyone I've met, have been just like they are on here - wierdos :hihi: (not really;))

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Can someone put me out of my misery and tell me when the next meet is? Ive never been before either so if anyone wants to say hi thats never been before and we can go in together!


All nights out are placed here:




Having been on a few of them myself and met some lovely people, I say give it a go. Any one of the people going will happily come outside and meet you so you don't have to venture inside yourself.

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