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How do I get a copy of my decree absolute?

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My ex has contacted me asking if I still have my decree absolute as he is getting re-married and has lost his. Unfortunately I have moved properties twice since we spit and, although I doubt I have thrown mine away, I cannot for the life of me find it!


Does anyone know how I (or he) can get a copy? He cannot get a copy from the solicitor he used so I will phone mine this week but someone mentioned you can go to the courts, give the details, wait an hour and get a copy for a pound?


Anybody have any experience of this? Thanks in advance :)

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I've been needing mine recently and unless you know the reference number of the case you have to get it from London and it costs £60. I rang Sheffield Court a couple of weeks ago and this was the info I was given. I'm so mad with myself because I had it somewhere 'safe' for the last 30 years and now I need the damned thing, can I 'eckaslike find it!

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Sounds like your friend could be right, see hereGot to be worth a phone call.
I'd read that before on here when someone else posted this very same question a while ago. Imagine how disappointed I was to find you need the case number before the court where it was granted can find it for you to copy it. Like, if I had the number, I think I'd have the papers as well, who'd ever think of writing the case number down somewhere, who's that efficient, especially after a number of years have elapsed?
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Hmmm, but maybe if either solicitors no longer have copies they may at least know the case number.. will give them a call tomorrow.


Thank you both.


i would have thought that they wouldn't have copied the decree but if they still have the file then they should have the case number. Unless you specifically ask, solicitors have no obligation to keep files longer than about 6 years after the end of the case.

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My divorce notification came from Scotland and does not say what type it is - decri nisi or absolute (or whatever they are). It simply says the judge has granted the divorce. I'm just thick cos I have never been divorced before but surely this - with the court reference number is evidence that I am divorced?

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but surely this - with the court reference number is evidence that I am divorced?
Have you actually applied for the absolute? It should say on the papers whether it's nisi or absolute. I think that freaklikeme is in the same position as me, we haven't actually got our papers, so we don't have the reference number either. There are occasions later when you need to prove you're divorced. Remarriage for instance.


My situation is complicated by the fact that this marriage was so long ago, I can't actually remember the dates we were married or divorced or what his full name or DOB was so the local court can't even make a start on looking. I just know though that as soon as I shell out 60 quidlets I'll find the original :D

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