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Which suncream do you use and why?

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An old farmer told me this , years ago , in Jersey and it's always worked for me -------but I wouldn't vouch it would work for everyone !

He said on the first really hot day , strip to the waist , for about an hour ; get a bit burned . Then put your shirt back on . From then on you can be in the sun for X amount of hours and it won't affect you. One other thing he said was ALWAYS to wear a broad-brimmed hat .

I followed his advice and now I'm working in China. It's 40 C. , most days at the moment and the humidity is about a 100%-----or it feels like it ! Some of the locals are fainting but , following the Jersey farmer's advice , no ill-effects , so far ---------and no sun -cream lotion needed , either.

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I have a real problem with my skin and the sun, they just dont get on!


I use factor 60 suncream- any lower and i burn. It also has to be reapplyed every hour and i have to wear a teeshirt or wet suit (if in england) if swimming in the sea.:mad:

I can't remember what range it is from but boots have some here


Before i used this, i used stuff that my dad got from the Antartic when he worked their and i still do on fragile things like my face/cheekbones and scars.


Also at work we use Nivea spray on the kids- factor 15 at the moment as it is around 4pm when they get to us and it is still not peak summer. We up to factor 30 or 40 during peak summer times. I like the nivea spray as it isn't greasy and works well.

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A few days ago when it was roasting hot, not a cloud in the sky etc etc, I tried some factor 30 piz buin 10 hour protection. I was out in the sun all day and didn't get burnt at all.

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Originally posted by Fareast

An old farmer told me this , years ago , in Jersey and it's always worked for me -------but I wouldn't vouch it would work for everyone !

He said on the first really hot day , strip to the waist , for about an hour ; get a bit burned . Then put your shirt back on . From then on you can be in the sun for X amount of hours and it won't affect you. One other thing he said was ALWAYS to wear a broad-brimmed hat .

I followed his advice and now I'm working in China. It's 40 C. , most days at the moment and the humidity is about a 100%-----or it feels like it ! Some of the locals are fainting but , following the Jersey farmer's advice , no ill-effects , so far ---------and no sun -cream lotion needed , either.


probably not good advice. It may work but burning yourself is never a good thing and the damage has already been done.

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Originally posted by FetishFairy

I have huge problems with my daughter as she is very fair skinned/blonde hair and burns really easily. Last year she had factor 40 on and she still burnt.


Can anyone reccommend a decent sun cream that does actually work?




My wife always used to get a rash on her neck until some one told us about P20. She has never had any trouble since using this.Check the website :-


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Re-the Jersey farmer's advice :-well , I said that it might not work for everyone and the time element was just a sort of example. He didn't mean you had to get burned in any uncomfortable or painfull way ; what he meant was on the first day , let the sun , "catch you". I suppose the thinking behind it is a bit like the taking of penicillin -------you give the person a small taste of the disease so that their bodies are better able to combat the full impact of the disease , later.

If the sun , "catches " you , it may have the effect of , "toughening " up your skin. It's interesting that in a lot of hot countries , people simply avoid the problem by staying in , if possible , when the sun is blazing hot and /or wearing lots of loose clothing , made out of a suitable fabric.

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Only mad dogs and Englishmen go out in the midday sun ;)


Our suncream is waterproof, lasts for 8 hours and is great for skiing :D


Apart from that - it doesn't wash off your clothes, and makes them go a funny colour :suspect:

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