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What are your views on South Yorkshire buses?


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Bus fares are too high £2.20 to town form here!

Bus drivers of the no 20 don't know what to charge...some charge £1.80, others £2.20 to go to town and if you say £1.80 they stop the bus and wait for you to get off saying that you havnt paid enough to go to town (arse and elbow come to mind). Some drivers have no "people skills" even though they are providing a public service and can be VERY rude.

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Worst group buses are crap. I have used the 47 bus in my local area sometimes, but its very often late, or doesnt turn up at all. If I have plenty of time I walk to town rather than catch the bus. Its 6 stops to town and £1.60 fare, total rip off, So if we all are going out from home we never use the bus because the car is cheaper, more reliable, more comfortable and driver is a lot more pleasant

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They're too expensive.

Busses take too long because they often take massive detours.

Even the most regular services are too unreliable.

The action of a few can make a journey unbearable but the bus company wont do anything about problem passengers.

Its always a pain trying to have the right change because heaven forbid bus drivers should be issued with a bag of change.

You can pay for a saver but theres no guarantee that the service will turn up, or any entitlement to compensation if you rely on that service to get you anywhere.


It just feels like bus companies(especially First) can charge what they like, not deliver anything we want or need, change routes at will, not compensate anybody when they dont deliver and they don't seem to answer to anybody. It also bothers me when First can claim great achievements and PR. Like when they put a million in to improving services, - taking loads of credit for it but of course missing out that the public purse had put in 4 million.


It also seems that services connected with busses are ridiculous,- I remember the stops around the peace gardens seeming to get changed at least once a year at one point and the cost associated with putting electronic timetable info displays must have been quite an episode of mis-spending.

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I've got a few more to add:


  • Most Stagecoach buses are very uncomfortable for people with long legs because the seats are too close together.
  • You can't find the single fares on the operators' websites before boarding the bus (and if you can, someone please tell me how!).
  • Destination signs are not automatically updated, meaning calling points are not deleted when the places have been past, which is confusing when buses in both directions say 'via City Centre', for example.
  • Some of the drivers are very unprofessional and lack basic 'people' skills. Others are a credit to the profession, however, and can make everyone's day a lot happier! :thumbsup:


That's all I can think of for now. I'm sure there'll be more. :D:)

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The Bus Operation Companies should be a larger version of the current SCT(Sheffield Community Transport) which is it invests all its profits in the services it provides and NOT creamed off to shareholders.

At least with this option we get the best of both worlds... the company has to operate as a commercial company but can also provide a social service.

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The Bus Operation Companies should be a larger version of the current SCT(Sheffield Community Transport) which is it invests all its profits in the services it provides and NOT creamed off to shareholders.

At least with this option we get the best of both worlds... the company has to operate as a commercial company but can also provide a social service.


Although it's a good idea, wouldn't that only work for a small-ish company? Bigger companies, in theory, offer a greater network to the customer by investing in the services they run and offering more services.

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