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Bankruptcy-£500 charge

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  • 8 months later...
Oh right.


No we lost our house last year. We had a mortgage for years. We ended up voluntary surrendering it as we were told that was the best thing to do, we now live in a private rented house. we owe thousands to the mortgage company and the company we had a loan with which was secured. Plus odd unsecured debts like catalogue companies. We spoke to CCCS just after we lost our house and they said we owned too much to have an IVA and once we were into our new home to look at bankruptcy.


exactly same situation here,i feel for you,nobody wanted to help us evan though we went down the PROPER route,my husbands worked all his life and never asked for anything so i dont feel bad about getin some help,its about time.

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some times its the only option, when someone says somebody has to pick the pieces actually they dont, most loan companies cover there loans with there own insurance, like an underwriter so if you go bankrupt and the loan is writen off the loan company just claim it back, also about bancruptcy if your out of work you dont have to pay the £500 bancruptcy fee if your unemployed, ive just given my own home up to my mortgage company, but im not bothered there was no equity in it, it only holds you back when u get to old age, im now in a housing association house, brand new, all repaires done free, no one can take it off me through bancruptcy, rent paid in full, ten minute walk to beach, all cus i dont work

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Maybe not, but they're generally more innocent than those who borrow it and decide they don't want to pay it back.


its not always a case of don't WANT to pay it back, its a case of can't..


I had to declare bankruptcy back in 2003 (back then it was £300) and this was because I had around £15k debt, had a loan and a couple of things on HP, the only reason I got these was because I was in a stable (at the time) job and thought i'd be staying there.. then the company moved out of sheffield and I couldn't commute or move for various reasons and had to leave the company (was made redundant) and then ended up unemployed and unable to pay my debts...


so, its not always the case of don't WANT :)

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