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Non smokers in pubs.


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Originally posted by kirky

does anyone know any pubs that don't allow non smokers in? there's nothing more annoying than suckin on a benson and having to put up with mr and mrs liberal sat in the corner wafting away and making very exaggerated coughing noises,also soft drinks should only be sold as a mixer with spirits,why do these non smoking no drinking people frequent pubs.


for instance i can't stand the theater,doesn't mean i'm gonna hang around in the foyer of the crucible saying how crap it is,i just keep away from the place.


not rocket science is it:rolleyes:

Because people that dont smoke and drink, can still go out to the pub for the night for a "soft drink" and enjoy themselves with out getting drunk, or smoking to have fun, and meet people just like you do.... Why??

Do people need !!! to smoke and drink to have a night out? i admit im no fan of the pubs simply because i dont like the stink of fags, but i did smoke (40 a day) and drink once ((10 pints larger and still walk home!)) and understand why people do like a drink and a fag... everyone to their own. But i do hope they DO ban smoking in public places, as we all have a right to clean air, as a ex-smoker, i understand the joy of havin a fag, but as someone who has stopped, i understand the health risks and dangers more. Health comes first!!! Whats wrong with what they do in america, send the smokers out side for a fag?? or does that make the smoker the mardy arse??:heyhey:

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I think all public places should be non smoking. Theres nothing worse than sitting in a pub and someone lighting up and surrounding you by smoke when you are a non smoker. Why should us non smokers have to put up with it. Passive smoking is worse than one person inhaling smoke, thats their choice but to have to breathe it in when you are a non smoker is simply not fair. why should we have to come home stinking of fags. Dirty habit but thats just my opinion. You might as well just go suck on a car exhaust and have done!

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Originally posted by kirky

does anyone know any pubs that don't allow non smokers in? there's nothing more annoying than suckin on a benson and having to put up with mr and mrs liberal sat in the corner wafting away and making very exaggerated coughing noises,also soft drinks should only be sold as a mixer with spirits,why do these non smoking no drinking people frequent pubs.


for instance i can't stand the theater,doesn't mean i'm gonna hang around in the foyer of the crucible saying how crap it is,i just keep away from the place.


not rocket science is it:rolleyes:


Excuse me young man.


I work in a bar and am constantly having to breathe air that is polluted by smoke from other people's cigarettes.


I choose not to smoke and I value the health of my lungs. Unfortunately due to current legislation, the poisioning of my lungs by other people is not yet against the law.


Looking forward to that changing.


*waits for 'Why did you get a job in a bar in the first place' rant*

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Originally posted by Deavon

Excuse me young man.


I work in a bar and am constantly having to breathe air that is polluted by smoke from other people's cigarettes.


I choose not to smoke and I value the health of my lungs. Unfortunately due to current legislation, the poisioning of my lungs by other people is not yet against the law.


Looking forward to that changing.


*waits for 'Why did you get a job in a bar in the first place' rant*


you should have worked harder at school then you'd not have to be a bar skivvy:D

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Originally posted by Deavon

*waits for 'Why did you get a job in a bar in the first place' rant*


Well it is an obvious question, there are loads of other jobs that pay roughly the same but don't involve being exposed to smoke.

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