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What does 'Temporary' mean to you?


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Temporary in terms of design? I'd take that as being something conceived/created with it accepted that, at some point, it will no longer be used. A slightly negative view might be that the creators have understood that something better will come along later. A positive spin on it would be that the design could be perceived as being very "of the moment".

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hmmm, in general terms I personally wouldn't see temporary as necessarily having a fixed end point (as in the google definition above) but more that the INTENTION is for it not to be permanent (as pointed out, even things with the intention of permanency aren't really permanent).


Design wise - either it is something designed to serve a purpose/fill a need which will only exist in the short term (Eiffel tower?). Uses products which themselves have low longevity. Known to be a quick fix that should/would be improved upon in the near future.

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  • 1 year later...
any more ideas?


It means that the status quo will prevail until some new equilibrium is established.For example the coalition can be viewed as temporary,but will end when a leadership election at the Bribeable Decrepopits coference when the Millhouses chameleon wil be ousted and replaced by the Ginger one from Scotland if sober.

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