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Acoustic Nights in Sheffield - help?


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Hi guys!


Basically I'm currently living in Birmingham and running a record label down here called Brave Or Invincible Records. I'm currently just trying to find if anyone's got any contact emails for people who put on acoustic artists in Sheffield?

Mainly thinking of some of the bars that do free events.

At the moment I'm thinking:

The Green Room

Frog and Parrot

The Harley (I know they do free events from time to time)

Olive did some stuff over Tramlines, is this a regular thing there?

Bungalows and Bears

do the Bowery do live music regularly?


And if anywhere can think of anywhere else that could help us out that'd be ace.

You can check out our artist, Tiny Cinema, at braveorinvinciblerecords.co.uk

The album should be out in November but there's 2 EPs you can download for free on the website


Thanks in advance :)


Brave or Invincible Records

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