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Acquired Tastes

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Originally posted by Lickszz

I always used to hate Beetroot but recently I have discovered that I now love it. I can't get enough of it. Has anyone else acquired any tastes that they were known to previously dislike. Can anyone explain what would cause this to happen?

Did you give up smoking? That brings your taste buds back to life. Things taste and smell better.

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Weird you should bring this up because it has recently happened to me!


I turned vegetarian when I was 12 and even before that never ate bacon because I didn't like it. I was vegetarian for about 11 years and then vegan for 10 months, and then all of a sudden I went chicken mad and literally ate nothing but chicken for about 6 weeks.


I figured my veggie days were over, so started eating meat again. But I never had bacon cos I *knew* I hated it.


But over the years I had quite a collection of food that I hated, brussels sprouts being an obvious one, but also toast, bananas, ham, and bacon.


A couple of months ago I decided to try and eat each of those things to see whether I actually did still hate them or not. With the obvious exception of brussels sprouts as they are pure evil.


So I tried toast, still didn't like it.


Bananas - as absolutely disgusting as I remember.


Ham... surprisingly nice


and then bacon... and since then I have gone completely mad for it!! It takes a lot of effort to not find myself at the sandwich shop every day for a bacon and egg buttie. I can't understand why I hated it in the first place, and I can't believe I deprived myself of something so delectable for so long!!


Weirdly though, I might hate stuff that everyone likes (toast and bananas) but I do like stuff that a lot of people hate - olives, marmite, mustard etc.

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Originally posted by Lickszz

I always used to hate Beetroot but recently I have discovered that I now love it. I can't get enough of it. Has anyone else acquired any tastes that they were known to previously dislike. Can anyone explain what would cause this to happen?


Try a good mature Cheddar and beetroot sandwhich - my mother started me off on these in the early fifties, when she packed my school lunch - I still love them after fifty years.

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Originally posted by Carlwarker

Try a good mature Cheddar and beetroot sandwhich - my mother started me off on these in the early fifties, when she packed my school lunch - I still love them after fifty years.


I'll collect some Canadian Ex Mature and try that. I'll let you know. Thanks.

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