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If the Conservatives win the election how high will unemployment rise?

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I think you're a bit confused about the way politics works, love. Maybe you should ask your husband to explain it when he gets in from work tonight? :hihi:


ALL politicians lie, they have to say what people want to hear in order to get people to vote for them. We judge them by what they do once they're in power.


We all know that New Labour has been a disaster and no-one can name a simgle good thing they've done. Even those who would never have thought of themselves as Tories are now willing to give David a chance on the basis that he can't do any worse than Gordon Brown and there are no other electable parties.


Don't 'love' me kid! Husband? Only if I had had a civil partnership (which I haven't - don't believe in constraining myself to be more acceptable to the straight masses!)


Labour have done many excellent things - they resurected the NHS by shortening waiting lists and even waiting times when you go to a&e or have a out patient appointment, built new schools and equiped them with new kit - I remember the days of crumbling buildings and text books from the dark ages during my 1980's school days, those days are no longer thanks to Labour... I was disappointed that they effectively 'taxed' uni, but I suppose the cash for all the new schools had to come from somewhere, and not all kids go to uni, but all kids sit their GCSEs... Health and Education have been at their core - both affect us all after all! It took years to get both where they are today after being wound down by years of tory rule... The poor have become richer with minimum wages, and fewer children live below the poverty line... There will always some nasty tax dogder who decides to relocate abroad to save a fiver - but their ends will come when all countries demand a living wage - India's wages have risen in the last few years, and will continue to do so, for instance... Many of the larger industries were ground down so far by Thatcher and her Tory party that we will never again be able to compete on a economic stage like Germany can and does ever again - I wouldn't risk a similar assault by the tories to be honest - the damage they inflict can often be irrepairable and without a third viable option for election, I cant see that Labour has opposition... The right wing press have caused a ****storm of lies and half truths to discredit them over the years, but have yet to show the miracle that would be a tory future in a manner that suggests they have anything new to offer... We can only view their past, and it's far from glittering by comparrison...

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Nurse, fetch the straightjacket! We've found the one person in Britain who thinks that Labour saved us from the recession when all the rest of us knew it was they who caused it! :hihi:


Now then right-wing wonk, Labour did help create the recession by being in awe of the t****s in the City of London and failing to regulate them, but things would have been MUCH worse if they had not acted so quickly with the stimulus package etc, which the rest of the world followed.

What would the Tories have done: NOTHING!

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I don't get a real feeling that most people are particulary keen on smarmy Dave and Osborne. Think Labour need to keep reminding people about how it was they who saved the UK economy from the depression that would have happened without their intervention. Whereas the Tories would have just sat on their hands and watch everything collapse much as they did to Sheffield in the 1980's.


Unfortunately everyone just laughs at Labourites who try that line.


The recession happened because of Gordon's incompetence

the financial meltdown was aided directly by Gordon's incompetence

the appalling financial position we were in as the recession hit was due to Gordon's incompetence

He hasn't saved the world, he has just postponed it at a cost to the taxpayer of trillions due to Gordon's incompetence

The monumental debt he ran up with nothing to show for it and will now have to be paid off is a prime example of Gordon's incompetence


I would have thought that the economy is the last thing Gordon wants to talk about. Which is probably why he isn't talking about it, preferring to talk about bankers' bonuses as if they're remotely relevant.

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Nurse, fetch the straightjacket! We've found the one person in Britain who thinks that Labour saved us from the recession when all the rest of us knew it was they who caused it! :hihi:


What effect do you feel the UK government has on US sub prime? This was the catalyst, and we in the UK had nothing to do with it...

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Unfortunately everyone just laughs at Labourites who try that line.


The recession happened because of Gordon's incompetence

the financial meltdown was aided directly by Gordon's incompetence

the appalling financial position we were in as the recession hit was due to Gordon's incompetence

He hasn't saved the world, he has just postponed it at a cost to the taxpayer of trillions due to Gordon's incompetence

The monumental debt he ran up with nothing to show for it and will now have to be paid off is a prime example of Gordon's incompetence


I would have thought that the economy is the last thing Gordon wants to talk about. Which is probably why he isn't talking about it, preferring to talk about bankers' bonuses as if they're remotely relevant.


Well these guys seem to think they did a good job as well!



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Nurse, fetch the straightjacket! We've found the one person in Britain who thinks that Labour saved us from the recession when all the rest of us knew it was they who caused it! :hihi:


It was capitalism and the money lending which drives it, the recession was instigated many years ago. Maybe you could blame the next one on the current Labour government.

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What effect do you feel the UK government has on US sub prime? This was the catalyst, and we in the UK had nothing to do with it...


One (and there are plenty more) effect was that AIG located to London so it could escape US regulation. This enabled it to insure derivatives which were based on sub-prime mortgages. The banks having their risk 'insured' were able to buy trillions and trillions of these derivatives. Only trouble was, AIG never had any money to pay out if things went belly up. Which they did.


Thanks Gordon.

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The monumental debt he ran up with nothing to show for it and will now have to be paid off is a prime example of Gordon's incompetence



I'm beginning to wonder if you ever get out!


My eldest lad started a new school a few weeks ago, the old one was knocked down as it was falling to bits and the new one is superb.


Does this class as something to show from the spending?

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I'm beginning to wonder if you ever get out!


My eldest lad started a new school a few weeks ago, the old one was knocked down as it was falling to bits and the new one is superb.


Does this class as something to show from the spending?



He probably wishes the money had been left in some wealthy businessman's pockets so it could have bought him a yacht!

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