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If the Conservatives win the election how high will unemployment rise?

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1st job for incoming Govmnt


Deport all unemployed Economic Immigrants/Asylum seekers


Ooh look I have just dropped unemployment...how easy was that then?


2nd job for incoming Govmnt


Force UK Based firms to pull out of India and use UK based call centers


Ooh look another drop in unemployment




it isn't rocket science


totally agree with those 2 points! though we should welcome all open armed even if they are taking work!

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What do you expect for following a Marxist loony?


Create future unemployed families? Utter rubbish, if you want to work you will, typical of a socialist ostrich to blame all the ills of the lazy and bone idle on a government that saved the UK.


And to question my nationality is utterly laughable. I’m British born and bred, I grew up in the Thatcher and Major era in a part of the country that was prepared to work hard and so I had a nice childhood and school life without the chip on my shoulder that is standard issue to the red army of the north.


Losers always complain, that’s their nature. Thatcher gave you a trouncing and we are all better for it :hihi:



Many people (10's of thousands) in this city used to go to work and work hard in the local steel / engineering industries until somebody called Margaret Thatcher came along and prevented them from doing so!

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Many people (10's of thousands) in this city used to go to work and work hard in the local steel / engineering industries until somebody called Margaret Thatcher came along and prevented them from doing so!


As I have already stated, the steel industry was in sharp decline prior to Thatcher. It did in fact then rise until Labour took power in which it then declined once more and has subsequently been sold off to a number of foreign companies. Notably one of Tony Blair’s mates.


Your venom over the steel industry is misdirected.


The miners’ strike is a whole other kettle of fish. Personally I think the miner’s brought it on themselves by following the known communist Scargill. However the poverty and desperation felt by the miners is something that I find unacceptable and more should have been done. The miners’ strike was a failure on both sides. Neither is blameless.

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What do you expect for following a Marxist loony?


Create future unemployed families? Utter rubbish, if you want to work you will, typical of a socialist ostrich to blame all the ills of the lazy and bone idle on a government that saved the UK.


And to question my nationality is utterly laughable. I’m British born and bred, I grew up in the Thatcher and Major era in a part of the country that was prepared to work hard and so I had a nice childhood and school life without the chip on my shoulder that is standard issue to the red army of the north.


Losers always complain, that’s their nature. Thatcher gave you a trouncing and we are all better for it :hihi:


Who is the Marxist loony? You are British born and bred, yet distance yourself from Britain by stating that "Thatcher gave you a trouncing"? Or did you imagine that I personally allowed any jumped up gob****e to beat me down? You know nothing of me, so cannot make a judgement of this nature - I wasn't bought up in the North, I'm from the Midlands, but didn't grow up with my eyes closed imagining that everyone was having the life I was living... Open your eyes and maybe you too could notice what is under your nose! You, sir, are a fool...

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6 years to go from gleaming perfection to crumbling mess? Did Labour find their builders in the wild west? Yeeeehaaaa!


The Tories were happy to run public services into the ground, and yes they failed to keep up basic repairs, failing also to update materials etc in the state school system, creating problems in a very short time - great work, eh?... It took a Labour government to deal with this, and rid us of the crumbling buildings I mentioned earlier... What a great shame that tories are incapable of dealing with the basics! But then, services that are to be accessed by those who cannot pay for private education and medical services have never been supported by the tories, these areas do not appear on their radar...

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As I have already stated, the steel industry was in sharp decline prior to Thatcher. It did in fact then rise until Labour took power in which it then declined once more and has subsequently been sold off to a number of foreign companies. Notably one of Tony Blair’s mates.QUOTE]



Uk steel production fell dramatically under the Tories, and yes it did rise later but only but from a very low base.

The UK steel industry was NOT sold off to one of Blairs mate's, Corus Plc was taken over by Tata, an Indian company who are nothing to do with Mittal who'm I presume you were referring to.:rolleyes: Wrong as usual.

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And the country is in a good condition now?


Exactly. But while they can get people bitching about who was better or worse, they get away with it.


Let's face it, we used to be very good at innovation and invention. This country invented railways yet today we have 86 miles of high-speed rail compared to thousands in truly civilised countries like France, Spain, Germany, Japan etc.


We are lions led by donkeys and have been for hundreds of years, but they keep feeding us propaganda about having the best coppers, army, parliament in the world when our leaders have consistently let us down by looking after their own - Labour and Tories.

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