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If the Conservatives win the election how high will unemployment rise?

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What relevance does the school Cameron went to have? Unless it is to praise the fact that he received one of the finest educations in the world. People come from all over the world to take advantage of one of the best schools there is.


Because it shows that how ever much they may like to pretend that he is

one of us. It is a total joke. Atleast Brown is from a relatively 'normal'

background. I think some people have forgotten what they are like. The CONS haven't got the common mans interest at heart, just their wealthy friends in the City. He is a Slimeball.

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Because it shows that how ever much they may like to pretend that he is

one of us. It is a total joke. Atleast Brown is from a relatively 'normal'

background. I think some people have forgotten what they are like. The CONS haven't got the common mans interest at heart, just their wealthy friends in the City. He is a Slimeball.


Going to Eton proves "they may like to pretend that he is one of us" :huh: You are a bit confused to say the least.


However by your method of discerning someones worth, Thatcher was a perfect Prime Minister coming from a working class, normal background, something we agree on it would seem :)

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Going to Eton proves "they may like to pretend that he is one of us" :huh: You are a bit confused to say the least.


However by your method of discerning someones worth, Thatcher was a perfect Prime Minister coming from a working class, normal background, something we agree on it would seem :)



Thatcher was wrong but formidable. Cameron knows nothing because he has


never done anything, other than say nothing and wait for power to slip into


his hands. I think that he is in for the shock ofhis life. People are <removed> off


with labour and Brown but they will twice about putting everything at risk


by voting for a novice.

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Because it shows that how ever much they may like to pretend that he is

one of us. It is a total joke. Atleast Brown is from a relatively 'normal'

background. I think some people have forgotten what they are like. The CONS haven't got the common mans interest at heart, just their wealthy friends in the City. He is a Slimeball.


What a load of rubbish. Try speaking to a Tory in a main town and not just in the affluent suburbs and meet a proper one rather than a stereotype the media have fed you.


In fact, come and meet me. I'm standing for the Conservatives in a deprived area of a Cheshire town. I was born in Sheffield, brought up on the Badger with only one parent working and not much money coming in. I gave up college and went into the steel industry to help pay the bills. In 2003 I put myself through university by taking a part time course and working extra hours.


No silver spoon here. Even though I've been here ten years I still have a strong Yorkshire accent that's picked up when I speak.

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Thatcher was wrong but formidable. Cameron knows nothing because he has


never done anything, other than say nothing and wait for power to slip into


his hands. I think that he is in for the shock ofhis life. People are <removed> off


with labour and Brown but they will twice about putting everything at risk


by voting for a novice.


If you are talking about experience outside of parliament:


Brown has never had a job outside of politics. His PhD was "The Labour Party and Political Change in Scotland 1918-29". He then went on to become a politics lecturer before entering parliament. So no experience in the private sector.


Cameron at least had a job before going into politics. He spent 7 years working for Calton TV.


If you are talking of experience inside of parliament:


Your assertion that no novice should get the job of leading the country would mean a dictatorship in all but name as no one can gain the experience without doing the job. This would also mean that some of the most revered and admired leaders’ through-out history would have never been given the chance to reside in no.10.


Your logic appears totally skewed towards one ideal, to keep labour and Gordon Brown.


Is this really the best argument for not having a conservative government :huh:

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I think I'd be giving the LibDems a go


They're getting my vote (they say they will scrap Trident, and they favour electoral reform).


We NEED a tory government to reverse the excesses of this ( and any for that matter) labour government


The excesses that the Bories have been a party to for decades.


Cameron at least had a job before going into politics. He spent 7 years working for Calton TV.


Cameron was in PR - read SPIN - something that LieBore have been bemoaned for doing, yet you believe an "expert in the field of SPIN" is the best candidate for PM?

Then there's the controversial manner of Carlton's inception....


Brown has never had a job outside of politics. His PhD was "The Labour Party and Political Change in Scotland 1918-29". He then went on to become a politics lecturer before entering parliament. So no experience in the private sector.


So (by your own logic) the best man for the position of chancellor would be the LibDim's Vince Cable (most experience in the private sector)?

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We NEED a tory government to reverse the excesses of this (and any for that matter) labour government.


No we don't, but you knew that anyway since you're an intelligent man who can see beyond poorly crafted PR campaigns.

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The excesses that the Bories have been a party to for decades.


Labour had a huge majority in the house and even though that majority has dwindled, they still do to date. Therefore they can pass any legislation they like, they can vote down anything they like and could have reformed the house of commons and the lords for that matter on a whim. But they didn’t. No other party had the power to push through any proposals.


Cameron was in PR - read SPIN - something that LieBore have been bemoaned for doing, yet you believe an "expert in the field of SPIN" is the best candidate for PM?


Public relations is all fine and dandy until the other side follows suite? Who introduced the levels of PR in to our government? Labour. Plus PR is not the same across the board, and you cannot compare political SPIN doctors with PR in Calton Television.


So (by your own logic) the best man for the position of chancellor would be the LibDim's Vince Cable (most experience in the private sector)?


I have made no such claims. I have not given my version of the logic of those who should be PM, I only commented on others logic. I suggest you take your views up with the OP not me.


"LieBore and the Bories" play ground insults :roll: Do you stuff your tongue behind your lower lip and say "Neeeeeeeerrr" at people also?


I see the silly name calling would indicate you’re a Lib Dem supporter. Is the Lib Dem camp changing its tactics now that their support is terminally stuck at 17-19%

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I see the silly name calling would indicate you’re a Lib Dem supporter.


Not a supporter at all (I have my pet names for all the "parties"). But I will be voting for the gLibDims at the GE. Mainly because they have said they will cancel Trident (but also for the way they have listened to us in Sheffield).


Is the Lib Dem camp changing its tactics now that their support is terminally stuck at 17-19%


I have no idea. You'd have to ask one of their "activists".

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Labour had a huge majority in the house and even though that majority has dwindled, they still do to date.


The excesses I was referring to were the expenses fiasco.


Public relations is all fine and dandy until the other side follows suite?


You were the one shouting the virtues of cameron having worked in the real world, yet failed to mention that it was in SPIN, something the cons have bemoaned LieBore for. Copying LieBore are they? Good enough reason not to vote for them, I'd say.


Let's not forget how Thames lost their licence (and Carlton got theirs - "Death on the Rock" and Thatcher's anger - then refusal of Thames' licence and the subsequent granting of the Carlton licence - then a job for "Thatcher's pet").


I have made no such claims. I have not given my version of the logic of those who should be PM, I only commented on others logic. I suggest you take your views up with the OP not me.


You implied that Cameron would be the best man for the job of PM because he had worked for Carlton TV as a SPIN doctor, and that GB was unsuitable as he has never held a position outside of politics. Vince Cable would be a better chancellor than either of the other party's candidates as he has had (many) years experience in the economic sector.


"LieBore and the Bories" play ground insults


It's a bit of fun.


Do you stuff your tongue behind your lower lip and say "Neeeeeeeerrr" at people also?


Only when dealing with the children.


So here's yours :P:hihi:.

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