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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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From one Tim to another,

Yes, I agree re the suggestion of Naseem Hamed. He has proved himself to be a vulgar, immature and grandiose little cur. I was going to add 'nasty' too, but then again, any professional boxer incapable of great 'nastiness' has quite obviously chosen the wrong career. Hamed's confidence [or rather, former confidence] is quite different from that of Muhammed Ali in his prime. Whereas Ali was genuinely charming, witty and often generous in praise towards fallen opponents [save for his needless goading of Joe Frazier], Hamed has so often behaved charmlessly, lacking the dignity and style of the older man with whom he has so often been compared. Yes, I'll hold your coat while you slap him...

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I recently saw the blond-haired actor who plays 'Jerome' [is that his 'real' name?] at Central Station, in Liverpool. He looked extremely agitated and ill at ease. If I had known of your strong feelings of enmity towards him, I would have slapped him senseless for you.


Re Halliwell, one cannot imagine any sane, well-adjusted person not wanting to make her horrid, self-important visage blaze with pain. I still cannot believe that she was made a UN A mbassador! I thought I was dreaming that day...

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