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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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Mercifully I haven't heard from him for a while, but at one time grinning ****-er-nee faux-jovial music-hall toad Jim Davidson was top of my slapping list.


Until recently, Saturday evening TV was ruled by a kaleidoscopic galaxy of these slap-deserving charisma-vacuums; to wit Beadle, Barrymore, Edmunds, Cilla Black etc. all of whom deserved a sturdy wooden oar in the jowls.

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Yes , Timo , you're right in all respects !

Showing my age , I suppose , when I used , "bonk" to mean , "bashed ".

But , yes the thought of bonking in the modern sense , taking place above her head , in conjunction with the kipper-slapping , does produce a funny picture.

However , she probably would not be awareof either activity , such is her insane desire to advise us all what to do for the best , in every possible circumstance.

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just read every post on this site and couldn't stop laughing.Brilliant.My candidate for a good slapping is either Matt King orScott Windsor from Emmerdale.Scott just for being a creep and Matt cos he has a rotten smug face, like a slapped arse.

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Can't resist this . Just remembered the most slappable face of all time.


Step forward the one and only Clive James !!

With his little piggy eyes , his horrible smug , little smile , not to mention his mouth spewing out that foul Australian accent , surely no-one in the world deserves constant slapping across the face with a sock filled with any kind of manure , than Clive James.

He beats Rolf Harris by miles in the ,"Most obnoxious Australian " contest and ought to be left in the Australian Outback without food , water or a mirror. That would really finish him off !

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Originally posted by Fareast

He beats Rolf Harris by miles in the ,"Most obnoxious Australian " contest and ought to be left in the Australian Outback without food , water or a mirror. That would really finish him off !

Yes, but we should probably tip a few tankfuls of rats, scorpions, snakes and insects over him "Endurance"-style first.


Funny to think how unbelievable those Japanese programmes seemed at the time, now every self-disrespecting reality TV or quiz show has people sticking their head in a cage of rats from time to time.

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Yes , Dan , I just wish Clive James had stuck his head into a cage of scorpions or something.

He was always sneering and sniggering at Japanese game shows but they probably had a programme in Japan where they watched recordings of Clive James--------far more gruesome than any game show !

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Dan and Sugarnspice,

I hear you [as our American friends are wont to say], and have plans for Hale and Pace. They shall be slapped until senseless, and made to reflect upon their crimes in a Viet-Cong style 'Re-education Camp' that specialises in decade long solitary confinement. Or maybe they shall be invited to swim with hungry Leopard Seals. I haven't decided yet. I just can't make my mind up sometimes. It is all 'one potato, two potato' and 'dip,dip dip little ship' with me. However, rest assured that revenge will be condign.


Sugarnspice- scroll back a bit, we have 'done' Lorraine Kelly already! Mind you, we can slap the moronic, giggling bint again should you wish.

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