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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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As I say on the Edward Heath thread, nobody cares about our spats. The moderators will close down the thread if we continue, and quite rightly so. Goodbye, then.

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How about that annoying really up himself, threaten air stewardesses (http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/entertainment/200016.stm) Mancunian...


...Ian Brown, he could do with a slap just to bring him back down to reality...


...mind you he's probably had a few already.








PS I realise this won't go down well with everyone on this thread. ;)

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Stapleton and his nosy wife should both receive a hell of a slapping. You are right, being 'Stapleton-y' is a crime in itself.


Yet another suggestion- Margi Clark, the hard-faced, 'scouse' actress. Clark regularly 'shimmies down Boldy' [translation:- can often be seen on bohemian Bold Street in Liverpool, so avoid at all cost], and serves as something of an embarrassment to the local populace. She is plainly a rotten actress, and can only play the foul-mouthed, slatternly, improvident 'scouse' female of stereotype. This I add, is an unfair stereotype. Liverpudlians rightly resent how she often conducts herself in public too, as she seems to delight in aggressive vulgarity. She personifies the 'worse' stereotypical Liverpool traits. So, we should add her to the long list of slappees. In her case, perhaps three rounds with a female Thai Boxer would be suffice. There would be no 'shimmying down Boldy' or anywhere else for that matter, after that.

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Originally posted by timo

She is plainly a rotten actress, and can only play the foul-mouthed, slatternly, improvident 'scouse' female of stereotype.




she seems to delight in aggressive vulgarity.


Have to agree with this.


Isn't her mother a local councillor or something? Where did she go wrong :loopy:



Originally posted by timo

Clark regularly 'shimmies down Boldy' [translation:- can often be seen on bohemian Bold Street in Liverpool, so avoid at all cost]


:lol: Love the translation. Do you have anymore up your sleeve?

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Hello, old bean. Glad you agree re Margi Clark. She is not even from Kirkby, yet affects the peculiar Kirkby variant of the Liverpool accent. There is a rising inflection at the end of every sentence, and anything ending 'k' sounds like the speaker is about to projectile vomit, i.e, 'work' would be 'werkkkkk'. I think her Grandmother was a councillor, but I cannot recall the name. If I am not mistaken she was the woman dubbed 'ugly' by Winston Churchill. You may have heard the tale;'Winston! You're drunk!', and famous retort,'Madam, I may be drunk, but tomorrow I shall be sober. You, on the other hand, are ugly etc'.


The 'shimmying down Boldy' quote is from a Radio Four programme the unbearable actress did, in which she made a thorough pest of herself amongst the poor stallholders and shopkeepers of Bold Street. I am told that people tend to avoid that rather bohemian quarter these days, for fear of encountering Clark. This is similar to the seventies, when people avoided trains for fear of meeting Jimmy Saville.

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