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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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Originally posted by sezzler

James **** Blunt, what has happened in the world? What did we do so wrong, how has this bland seemingly talentless shoe gazer managed to reach number one in both the singles and albums charts? Who buys it...... WHO i ask ya!

Me I do... the album rocks!

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I thought you knew I lived near Liverpool [sheffield ex-pat]? I occasionally venture into the Saint John's Centre for a bit of ethnographic anthropological research. I bet Damon and I have passed each other many a time. You can spot me easily-I'm the middle class-looking bloke getting mugged.

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Originally posted by sezzler

James **** Blunt, what has happened in the world? What did we do so wrong, how has this bland seemingly talentless shoe gazer managed to reach number one in both the singles and albums charts? Who buys it...... WHO i ask ya!


Oh thank God there are sane people in the world. James Blunt symbolises everything that's wrong with popular culture, but console yourself that at least his name rhymes with a very appropriate vulgarism.


Here's some more for you:


-Vernan Kaye

-The main bloke out of Bo Selecta (the joke's not funny anymore, and A Bear's Tail is scraping the barrel)

-Any celebrity that appears on Bo Selecta or A Bear's Tail to show the world that they don't take themselves too seriously and are game for a laugh, and certainly not cynically aligning themselves with a cringingly unfunny "comedian" they misguidedly believe to be on the cutting edge of comedy in a desperate bid to aleviate themselves from the bottom feeding, sub-Z list category they are doomed to populate before disappearing into oblivion.

-Vernon Kaye

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Tubthump - you are so right about the Bo Selecta man, and his bear programme. I don't have a TV by choice, but caught most of the christmas 'A Bear's Tail' at a friend's house and was stunned by how bad it was. It depressed me to think I could have bought an entire wall full of vintage Gibson semi-acoustic guitars for a small fraction of the budget wasted on this appalling, infantile drivel. It was, to my mind, unbelievably coarse as well. I had never really bought into the popular notion that TV had 'dumbed down' over the last decade or so. Terry Jones' primary school account of 'The Middle Ages' alerted me to the fact it might be true. 'A Bear's Tale' confirmed my worst fears - and then some.


Bo Selecta man should be shot, not slapped. Vernon, on the other hand, should be melted down for scrap.

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'Bo Selecta man' is called Leigh Francis, and is a native of Leeds. I agree that the 'Bear's Tale' is puerile and sixth form. However, his impressions of Craig David [played as a kestrel-handling, incontinent oaf], Michael Jackson [as a kind of 'jive ass' Huggy Bear type] and Christina Aguilera [as a scouse whore] are genuinely original and funny. As originator of the thread, I would agree to slapping the titian-haired cove for his sins re 'the Bear', but let's not give him severe neuralgia. We will reserve that torture for the likes of Cliff Richard, Lorraine Kelly etc.

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Originally posted by timo

'Bo Selecta man' is called Leigh Francis, and is a native of Leeds. I agree that the 'Bear's Tale' is puerile and sixth form. However, his impressions of Craig David [played as a kestrel-handling, incontinent oaf], Michael Jackson [as a kind of 'jive ass' Huggy Bear type] and Christina Aguilera [as a scouse whore] are genuinely original and funny. As originator of the thread, I would agree to slapping the titian-haired cove for his sins re 'the Bear', but let's not give him severe neuralgia. We will reserve that torture for the likes of Cliff Richard, Lorraine Kelly etc.



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Originally posted by timo

'Bo Selecta man' is called Leigh Francis, and is a native of Leeds. I agree that the 'Bear's Tale' is puerile and sixth form. However, his impressions of Craig David [played as a kestrel-handling, incontinent oaf], Michael Jackson [as a kind of 'jive ass' Huggy Bear type] and Christina Aguilera [as a scouse whore] are genuinely original and funny. As originator of the thread, I would agree to slapping the titian-haired cove for his sins re 'the Bear', but let's not give him severe neuralgia. We will reserve that torture for the likes of Cliff Richard, Lorraine Kelly etc.


In your original post you quoted Gordon Ramsay as deserved of worthy off slapping, and he's got 3 Michelin Stars. Surely he has reason to be a smug git from time to time. All Leigh Francis has done, IMO, has made people like my boss think their God's gift to humour just for saying "Chamone M**herf**ker" at every available opportunity. It's akin to quoting Peter Kaye's "Garlic Bread" (with Boltonian accent) and expecting instant laughs. For God's sake can someone tell me what is funny about saying "Garlic Bread"?

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Originally posted by Tubthump

In your original post you quoted Gordon Ramsay as deserved of worthy off slapping, and he's got 3 Michelin Stars. Surely he has reason to be a smug git from time to time. All Leigh Francis has done, IMO, has made people like my boss think their God's gift to humour just for saying "Chamone M**herf**ker" at every available opportunity. It's akin to quoting Peter Kaye's "Garlic Bread" (with Boltonian accent) and expecting instant laughs. For God's sake can someone tell me what is funny about saying "Garlic Bread"?


<----- PMSL .... he said "Garlic Bread"!!! :D


Actually, that's not all Leigh Francis has done. This from last week's Popbitch:


Poor Craig David... he's devastated by his portrayal

on Bo Selecta and thinks it might have ruined

his career.


Go Leigh!

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Ok, fair point. But do you not also think that Craig David's career might have hit the skids due to him being a self-obsessed, talent-free, worthless irrelevance? Mind you, Vernon Kaye seems to be doing alright for himself.

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