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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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Timo, how lovely to see this thread back!


I will see your Jonathan King slapping, and will raise you a Terry Wogan. I hate his genial golfy ways, his "amusing" sidekicks, and listeners with hilarious pseudonyms. It's all a bit too Chris Evans for me.


If it were possible to slap through the medium of wireless, then I would send him a big old wallop... in stereo.

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Lovely to see you back, m'dear! To be honest, I think this thread could run and run for therapeutic reasons. Everyone hates some celebrity or other, and it is healthy to unleash the pent-up irritation rather than bottle it up and go plain mad. I am performing a public service really!


This is one, rare occasion when I have to disagree with you, re Wogan. I actually think the man is genuinely witty. So did my hero, the late Auberon Waugh, and the two were good friends. Wogan is undeniably 'naff' in common parlance, with his toupee , golfing and so on. However, I think the humour on his morning show is genuine. Rather than being derivative of Chris Evans, I actually think it is the other way around. Wogan is apparently a hero to the titian-haired former 'boy wonder'. Knowing your excellent sense of humour, I am surprised that you don't like 'ol Tel' and 'Dr Wally' etc. Oh dear, I've just realised, Feargal, it's me! I was 44 on 20th July, and I've turned into one of Wogan's 'Togs' ['Terry's Old Gits']. You must make allowances, it comes to us all etc...

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Originally posted by timo

with his toupee


he wears a wig?!!? :o Who'd have thought it!


Sad to admit it dearheart, but I often listen to Radio 2 myself. I'm thinking of modelling myself on that dotty old cat-botherer Sarah Kennedy.


And you're right about the therapy. I think anyone who posts threads about being sad/depressed/hard done to should instantly be re-routed to this one. A slap a day keeps the psychiatrist away!

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Originally posted by feargal

Timo, how lovely to see this thread back!


I will see your Jonathan King slapping, and will raise you a Terry Wogan. I hate his genial golfy ways, his "amusing" sidekicks, and listeners with hilarious pseudonyms. It's all a bit too Chris Evans for me.


If it were possible to slap through the medium of wireless, then I would send him a big old wallop... in stereo.


Amen to a good slap or ten for Jonathan 'Kiddy Feeler' King. He was responsible, lest we forget, for the repugnant TV programme 'Entertainment USA' - a showcase for all that was, and remains, crap about mass-culture in North America (a shame, since there are plenty of good things). His juggernaut-sized arrogance blazes undiminished, even after being found guilty of abusing scores of underage young men. Sadly, he is still involved in the music business, pedaling his unique brand of patronising rubbish (while he sits at home counting his money listening to Bartok, no doubt).


I see Chris Evans more as a neo-Noel Edmunds, perish the thought. If anyone is after the crown of Terry Wogan, surely it is Jonathan Ross? Over the last few days, I have been installing a new bathroom, and have been revisiting Radio 2 to help reconfigure my psyche into DIY-Man mode (I've also started having four sugars in my tea and calling everyone 'pal'). Like Timo (hello there), I much enjoy Terry Wogan's chit-chat; he displays a gentle, easy wit and can always find an apposite and amusing turn of phrase to colour his ramblings. True, his programme consists mainly of reading out e-mails, but what the hell - he does it so well.

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Lord Snooty,

Nice to see you back, old fruit. Totally agree with your appraisal of Limerick's finest. We simply can't slap dear old 'Tel'.


The problem is, now I am genuinely stumped as to who to slap next. Who have we left out?

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Staying with Radio 2, then. If we can't slap Wig-on, let's give Richard Alinson a quick prod. He's got that really annoying slightly-laughing-but-not-quite quality that old Radio 1 DJs used to have in the 80s (Bruno Brookes, Gary Davies). He reminds me of Smashy and Nicey.

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Alinson richly deserves a slap. You are correct there re the smarminess of the oily beggar. Yes, let his face blaze in abject agony for at least a couple of hours. That will suffice. He is not a major offender, so I shall demonstrate knightly restraint and mercy here .

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Originally posted by timo

....I have to disagree with you, re Wogan. I actually think the man is genuinely witty. So did my hero, the late Auberon Waugh, and the two were good friends. Wogan is undeniably 'naff' in common parlance, with his toupee , golfing and so on. However, I think the humour on his morning show is genuine. Rather than being derivative of Chris Evans, I actually think it is the other way around. Wogan is apparently a hero to the titian-haired former 'boy wonder'. Knowing your excellent sense of humour, I am surprised that you don't like 'ol Tel' and 'Dr Wally' etc. Oh dear, I've just realised, Feargal, it's me! I was 44 on 20th July, and I've turned into one of Wogan's 'Togs' ['Terry's Old Gits']. You must make allowances, it comes to us all etc...



I, too, used to think Wogan was one of the wittiest voices on radio/TV, until he started doing Eurovision, that is. I simply can't bear the fact that he takes the p*** out of what (until the advent of Big Brother and the like) has always been the cheesiest, most buttock-clenchingly awful TV show in the world.


Eurovision is quite capable of taking the p*** out of itself by simply existing, it really doesn't need Wogan's sarky asides.


His (often unfunny) barbs are mostly redundant and are usually squirm-inducing at best.

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Originally posted by timo

...The problem is, now I am genuinely stumped as to who to slap next. Who have we left out?

Since we have now passed the start of "the season", an obvious set of new candidates present themselves...


...the "Premiership Prima-Donna"...


...any of them / all of them...


...I would wax lyrical regarding the horrors of this bunch, but the sheer enormity of the task has made me feel awfully week...


...I'm just going for a lay down...



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