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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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Ooh, Richard and Judy! Now there's two people who I could really vandalise!


I would first take Judy's hand and staple it to Richards stomach. I would then screw her other hand to a wall. Then I would blow torch her face for 3 seconds. I would then open a trap door from under Richard, causing one of Judy's hand attatchments to rip as he fell.

Next, I would drop several wingless wasps down the hatch into which richard had fell, rip judy from the wall and push her in too.

After this I would sit and drink some hot chocolate. Only, I wouldnt drink it. I'd pour the scalding liquid down the hatch too, then I would fill it with boiling water and seal the opening...


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I have laughed my way through this afternoon reading this great thread. I am suprised that Windsor's haven't earned a mention surely Lizzie, Phil, Charlie, Andy, Eddie, Annie and not forgetting that strumpet Camilla and her gargantuan hats, they all deserve a good pasting. These inbred halfwits strut around convinced that they have some sort of super intellect and an absolute god given right to lord it over mummies "subjects". I suppose Madame Guillotine is a little over the top (although it was good enough for Lou and Marie) so a good leathering with a wet fish will have to suffice.

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Glad you enjoy the thread. Re the 'Windsors', or rather , the Saxe-Coburg- Gothas, I have never slapped them but occasionally mention on the forum the rumours circulating Prince Charles' former navy career. Cruel gossips have, for years, maintained that His Royal Highness had a 'baptism of fire' amongst rough and tough sailors who taught him how to make bread and butter pudding, and dance the 'Hornpipe'. Allegedly, he was initiated into one of the navy's less savoury traditions, when lewd midshipmen forced him to 'take his turn in the barrell'. If true, the rumours would explain a great many things.

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As there's so many pages to this thread my nominations may have been listed. So if they have I'll add my votes.


Jade Goody (talentless thick minger)

Pete Doherty (talentless mouthy and ignorant)

Liam Gallagher ( ditto )

Jonathan Woss ( Annoying unfunny long haired Cockney)

Wayne Rooney ( good footie player but thick and gobby)

Jennifer Ellison (Gorgeous till she starts to talk)

Victoria Beckham (stop pouting and learn to smile girl)

Tara Palmer Tomkinson ( annoying no talent tart)

Nadia (annoying no talent non-entity)


In fact

Everybody who's ever been on Big Brother



oooo I feel better for that..

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Originally posted by pitsmoorlad

Pete Doherty (talentless mouthy and ignorant)

Liam Gallagher ( ditto )

Pete Doherty won a national poetry competition when he was a kid, and was sent to Russia by the British Council as part of a scheme for outstanding young poets. He also got into Oxford University, although he didn't stay there long. He's certainly squandered his talents, and deserves a good slap for that, but putting him in the same braket as Liam Gallagher is stretching it a bit.

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Thank you for the information Timo but I’m afraid it doesn’t satisfy my need to see these Germans get at the very least, a fierce smacking. Charlie very probably did enjoy the games with those nice boys in the navy. He went in the navy an arrogant simpleton and came out exactly the same but with a jolly good excuse for wearing all those shiny medals Mummy gave him. I want to know how a man can have such vociferous views, it pains to admit this but I reluctantly agree with much of what he says, about the architecture of this country and yet not by a word or deed do we see any censure of his wife for wearing those monstrous carbuncles on her head.

The Aussie’s are on the right track they seem to enjoy a little Andy baiting, insisting, even after he had thrown a childish tantrum, that his “Royal Highness” (what does that mean?) obey the law of the land and go through airport security like everyone else. We should take lessons from the colonials on how to treat these Mountbatten-Windsor but I still cannot but feel that the French way is still the best, I’d would happily get my knitting needles out... oh if only

I would like to add another name to the list, after watching the BBC news over the weekend could someone please thrash that supercilious Peter Sisson’s ugh what a snob

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I was unfortunate/fortunate enough to be breakfasting this morning in a place where they have the TV on in the morning and Mick Hucknall was on singing his latest song.



What the hell has happened to his face? :gag:


He was carrying on in front of the thick woman presenter as if he was the most gorgeous man who has ever walked the planet. But he has a swollen face with puffy eyes and stupid face hair which looks like he hasn't washed..


Either he's been on a 72 hour bender and sleeping on the pavement or someone has given him a right slapping, and they have covered it all up with makeup.


From what I have heard he has deserved a good hiding on many occasions the miserable mardy little freak!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I find this hard to believe, but timo assures me that smug pop fraud Chris de Burgh has not made an appearance on this thread.


Well, if I had my way, the only 'red' this smarmy minge would be insipidly whining about would be the red of his severely beslapped face, shortly before I set fire to his preposterous eyebrows.

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