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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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Sorry, my dear Feargal , once again [as was the case with Davina McCall] I find myself torn between slapping Lopez's visage or derriere. As I once told you [i think you were restrained in that ex- Milice equipment at the time], as a hedonist I live by John Stuart Mill's 'Greatest Happiness' principle. That is, a version of it in which it is my 'greatest happiness' which counts, and not that of my fellow creatures. With that philosophical premise in mind, I think I shall choose Lopez's 'sweet booty' rather than her face. With her broken nose the chanteuse rather resembles Joe Bugner, the ex-pugilist.

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What about the woman who reads the ITV local news during the 10.30 news? The one with the faux RP accent which she only remembers to put on for every other word.


She always starts with a slimy fake smile which makes her evil eyes disappear into her trowel-applied makeup and a shrill "Helllew" and finishes with a flick of her platinum blond immovable bob and a "Weeel, ewwver to yooo Trevor" as if to suggest she actually knows the great MacDonald himself.


Please let the slapping of this most annoying woman commence...

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Everytime I used to see Alan Partridge on the box I wanted to reach into the TV drag him out by the throat and give him a good slap,that pathetic whiney little voice of his just grates and makes me want to drag him back out and do it again and again and again.

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  • 3 months later...

In response to the recent barage of ignominious advertisments (Oh... My... God!!!) that I have been forced to witness and also to cheer Timo up when he returns from his ban: I nominate Chantelle.


Not only does Channel Four reduce its normal quotient of decent programming to accomodate a bunch of social outcasts who want to boost their profile but also by playing that hand they breath life into the horrific being that is Chantelle. I admit that in a popularity contest, somone who actually has some grounding in real life may well prove themselves against the amalgamated force of Denis Rodman, Barrymore and Pete Burns but by the same means gets upon my virtual tits, so much I may as well charge her council tax.


The bloody woman's like syphillis: Socially debilitating and you can't get rid no matter how hard you try. Personally I'd love to give her a reyt hard slap, just to hear her say "OH .... MY ........ GOD!!!!"

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clare sweeney needs a good old "glassing" not just a slapping. also Parkinson is a nob chops, fake arse yorkshireman. (that one should get me a good slaggin off on this mb)

and would anyone else want to do a Remy Bonjasky style flying knee kick on Mel "hairy neck" Sykes?

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Got to be Ruby Wax id love to smack not slap...Its just a real shame she isn't my neighbour !!!:hihi: Im not a violent person but she really makes my blood boil...Does anyone know if she goes shopping to Meadowhell:hihi:

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