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Who has the most slappable face in entertainment?


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O'Donnell just has to be the inspiration behind the asexual 'musical entertainer', beloved of menopausal ladies and Grandmothers, who announces 'I've got no willy' on an episode of Father Ted. The talentless hibernian mummy's boy should be slapped until his face blazes with pain.


Another candidate for our festival of savagery and condign revenge is surely Andy Peters, the curiously hopeless Childrens' TV presenter. In his case, I recommend the use of a cricket bat applied full force.

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Here's my slap list:


Jade Goody

Jade Goody's ex (the one who accepts every tv offer going)

Jo Brand (just to see it wobble :blush: )

Dermot O'Leary



The scarey madam with the white hair who comments on how mucky peoples homes are


And though they're not in the world of entertainment, a special mention goes to Paris Hilton And Lady Victoria Hervey for being vacuous wastes of space.

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Here's my two penneth:


Victoria Beckham- Never has a woman deserved more of a smack. Bleating on about the injustice the press is doing to her life and then prostituing herself to the cameras because her "career" (what career?) depends on it. And I don't even like David Beckham, I just can't stand her.


Wayne Rooney and that Colleen slapper- Going the same way as the above. Colleen love, get yourself a job and earn yourself some respect. Being famous for shopping and threatening young boys isn't an achievement.


Harry Gration and all those other people involved with Look Leeds- Hello, we're Sheffield and we do exist you know. Fourth largest city in England... just a bit further down the map from Leeds. Can you find us yet? No, thought not.


Jodie Marsh and Jordan (Katie Price)- Put 'em away and get a proper job. Like street sweeping.


Tim Henman and all his fans- Tim, you're crap at tennis, face it. His fans, he's crap at tennis, face it.


Natasha Kaplinski- Presenting every other bloody programme that's on TV. I don't like you, you're smug and patronising. Not what I need when I turn the news on in a morning and especially not before coffee.


Arsene Wenger- Moan moan bloody moan.


A special mention must go to my PE teacher (name not given for legal reasons) who gave me a detention for having the wrong colour socks on once in a lesson. Why does it matter? Silly cow.


Ahhh... I feel so much better now :)

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Originally posted by timo

Another candidate for our festival of savagery and condign revenge is surely Andy Peters, the curiously hopeless Childrens' TV presenter.


Timo, just to add fuel to the fire, Mr Peters' name is spelt 'Andi' with an i. Extra punishment for that I think! And in Father Ted, you are thinking of the fantastic Owen Love - clearly Do'D - who had a jumper baked into a lovely cake by his adoring fans.

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Had this thread been run over a week ago, I would have weighed in with various imaginative treatments to be applied to the head and body of a rather well-known Yorkshire 'personality' who has been irritating me beyond belief for something like 35 years.


However, I think it's best that I say no more at this particular time.

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I must put forth a special mention for Nicola "the ginger one" from Girls Aloud.


She is begging for it. Even when she is attempting to be sexy in a video her eyes tell me she wants a fight and she has been moaning and sulking all day about being "the ginger one".


But I wouldn't dare slap her while Tweedy was around. She's hard as nails that one.

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