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Anyone visit Moorlands Crown pub today?

Bilbo Baggin

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If somewhere is genuinely short staffed through illness or something they should let people know when they arrive. This will do less damage to the business in the long term. I would be much happier if I was told when I arrived that they were short staffed and service wouldn't be up to their normal standard. I could then decid whether to stay or go.

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if this is the worst dinning experience you have ever had then your lucky, to me you sound like youv got nothing better to do than moan


no lemon pop whooooooo how terrible the kids had to have coke how very dare they:roll:

waited for about 9 minutes, bit precise don't you think, lets be real you were timing how long you had stood there for :loopy:

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A few of the comments above made me roflmso:hihi:, honestly. All I can say is I guess some of us hobbits have better standards than a lot of you common folk. I suggest you all go looking through your neighbours dustbin to see if they have any old stale leftovers. I will continue to search out good quality food, cooked to my liking, well almost Dinner time ooops I mean teatime for you lot don't let me keep you, lots stale old food waiting for you out there.

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A few of the comments above made me roflmso:hihi:, honestly. All I can say is I guess some of us hobbits have better standards than a lot of you common folk. I suggest you all go looking through your neighbours dustbin to see if they have any old stale leftovers. I will continue to search out good quality food, cooked to my liking, well almost Dinner time ooops I mean teatime for you lot don't let me keep you, lots stale old food waiting for you out there.


That wasn't very nice was it.


You are quite right though, places serving a carvery for £3.50 tend to be the best place to find good quality food.

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Well seeing as the trolls had already destroyed the thread which was me asking if anyone else was in that line yesterday and what they thought of the service, the food and staffing and believe me there were quite a few complaining about it in the pub at the time we were there. If you are paying to eat out no matter how much it may or may not be, you expect standards. these were clearly lacking yesterday.

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That wasn't very nice was it.


You are quite right though, places serving a carvery for £3.50 tend to be the best place to find good quality food.


Lol, do I detect a hint of sarcasm there? :hihi:


I think its hilarious that he says he has "better standards than a lot of you common folk" when he has been getting his dinner at a place that sells £3.50 carveries! And he does this twice a week!! :loopy:

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A few of the comments above made me roflmso:hihi:, honestly. All I can say is I guess some of us hobbits have better standards than a lot of you common folk. I suggest you all go looking through your neighbours dustbin to see if they have any old stale leftovers. I will continue to search out good quality food, cooked to my liking, well almost Dinner time ooops I mean teatime for you lot don't let me keep you, lots stale old food waiting for you out there.


I think that you have missed the point somewhere - the people who have been taking the mick out of you probably do already have better standards re where and what they eat - after all, you eat cheap carvery tat twice a week??? Maybe these lot pay more when they go out, or even stay home and cook something worth eating?


I know it's not nice when people take the mick, but please don't try to imagine that there are people whose standards are lower than a £3.50 bar meal!

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I know it's not nice when people take the mick, but please don't try to imagine that there are people whose standards are lower than a £3.50 bar meal!


pmsl just for curiosity sake and because im clearly one of the poor scrubbers with lower standards than the OP, does any one know were you can actually eat for less than £3.50, i will of course be expecting exceptional service, a serviette, and a choice of meals not just a carvery:hihi:

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