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Christmas day recommendations (yeah I know)


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We have a superb value £22 Christmas menu featuring classics from the loch, delicious fresh fish and Christmas favourites to suit all tastes. We are open on Christmas Day and New Year's Eve too


Please phone Nikki , our Christmas coordinator now on 0114 2703940, or email her on




We will then send you through the menus and packages that we do.


Thank you,


Loch Fyne Sheffield

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Hmmmmm I'm beginning to think that maybe Loch Fyne has got a cart load of people to post ideas for Crimbo dinners, partys etc?? Only there's like 5 or more threads beeb started by new people to the forum and all to do with crimbo do's etc and all of then have been replied to by Loch Fyne.


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Surely that confirms it... :-"


It does confirm it.


They also did it wrong - the OP was asking about Christmas Day, and then Loch Fyne comes in and starts spamming about the Christmas Menu which will more than likely NOT cover Christmas Day, as £22 would be nowhere near the Xmas Day price!


If your going to do stuff like this, at least make it look real, chaps.

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Aunt Sally's.


Aunt Sally's?


I'll go without any food at all, rather than ever give that place my custom again.


Vile, inedible, over-microwaved food, and staff that are physically incapable of opening a dictionary and finding the definitions for "Edible", and "Customer Service"


The words "hell" and "frozen over" come strongly to mind!

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