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Justice for Matt (Greyhound) - Update on Progress

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Vanman10, Human races are not designed so that all the runners crash together at a bend causing injuries. As with any sport, humans know what risks are involved ie mountaineering, motor racing. Unfortunately animals are not aware of any danger to themselves. They are just acting on instinct. Being used to generate money and entertainment for people who should, in my view, have a more ethical outlook on the sport of dog racing.

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Vanman10, Human races are not designed so that all the runners crash together at a bend causing injuries. As with any sport, humans know what risks are involved ie mountaineering, motor racing. Unfortunately animals are not aware of any danger to themselves. They are just acting on instinct. Being used to generate money and entertainment for people who should, in my view, have a more ethical outlook on the sport of dog racing.



you have got it...the dogs and horses are there to entertain just like lions and tigers in the circus...just like the bulls in spain and the dancing bears in eastern europe.

the dolphins and killer whales in disney world...its what animals do...and they love it...

mind you our molly is better looked after than some of those others...horse meat for her sunday dinner...whats up with pedigree chum...mind you she has had a pay rise so she deserves it....

might even invest in a dog in ireland who by all accounts could be a champion hare courser..

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Bullfighting? Dancing bears? eastbank, I suspect you may be at the wind up! However, lets just hope the ALF don't get wind if your views...you might yourself end up as entertainment, Christians and lions springs to mind lol!



ALF you've not seen our lot....we love confrontation....tell them to turn up at the dogs....it would be interesting....now our boys cannot get their kicks at the football.....

read my book...wednesday rucks and rock and roll....been educating the great unwashed for 40 years...oh! i forgot the ALF just dig up graves and attack people only when they have the numbers...

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Whats it all about ALFIE...........




just what i thought...remember when we chased the socialist workers around town every saturday afternoon....

looks like old easty may have upset the charming ALF....i think they'd have their hands full with our lot.....you ought to have seen them saturday...frightening...

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From what I have read about them they don't sound like the sort of people I'd like to meet on a dark night! But then I have nothing to fear, not being an animal abuser. While I don't agree with the lenghts they go to they are defending the rights of animals. I must admit than when seeing a bull toss a matador into the crowd I shouted 'YESSSS!'. It was on the news by the way, Id never attend such a horrific event. I applaud your 'confident' attitude, should you ever get a 'visit', lets hope you can back it up!!

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From what I have read about them they don't sound like the sort of people I'd like to meet on a dark night! But then I have nothing to fear, not being an animal abuser. While I don't agree with the lenghts they go to they are defending the rights of animals. I must admit than when seeing a bull toss a matador into the crowd I shouted 'YESSSS!'. It was on the news by the way, Id never attend such a horrific event. I applaud your 'confident' attitude, should you ever get a 'visit', lets hope you can back it up!!


They are ok sneaking about, they don't turn up face to face at dog meetings race tracks etc for trouble.

I agree with some of their principles but like all other groups they take things to the extreme. If they are going to start visiting people for attending dog meetings and such things they want to be prepared for the compliment being returned.

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